Chapter 10: The More the Merrier

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Dipper got back to his apartment.
He let out a sigh.
His phone was vibranting in his pants' pocket. He picked it up.
"Hey Dip, it's Trey. Howsit been?"
"Oh wow, its been like six months since we spoke. I'm doing fine, how's college been?" Dipper asked.
"It's been alright; but anyway, that's not why I called." Trey responded.
"Oh, well what is it?" He asked.
"I was wondering if you and Pacifica would mind me stopping by over Christmas break?"
"That'd be great, how'd you know Pacifica was here?"
"Oh her and I talked about it. Speaking of it I have something important to tell you when I get there." Trey said.
"Okay, talk to you later." Dipper signed off.
"See ya." The call ended.
Dipper put down his phone. He took two steps before his text notification rang. He swiped open his phone again to see Pacifica had texted him.
Hey sorry abt 2day can we do something else tomorrow? Pacifica texted.
Sure, whatever you want. Dipper responded, really just to get Pacifica to stop bothering him.
No. She was here just to spend time with him.
Alright no more distractions, just me and you this Christmas. He said as if Pacifica was in the room. He turned off his phone and sat on his couch. He turned on the TV.
Dipper's eyes widened. The TV had been left on the local news channel. The scrolling text below the heated anchor read,
Convict, Preston Northwest, Escapes Prison!

Never Let You Down ~ A Dipcifica Fanfiction (Book 7: Finale)Where stories live. Discover now