Chapter 4: Skating

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After eating some breakfast, Dipper and Pacifica decided to make the most out of their limited time together during Christmas break.
"So what do you want to do today." Pacifica asked.
"I don't know, but there's a ton of stuff we can do." Dipper added.
"Like what?" Pacifica tilted her head.
"Um we could go to the movies."
"Packed." Pacifica said.
"Okay well we could go to the mall." Dipper requested.
"It's nearly Christmas stupid, also packed." She said.
"Okay," Dipper was kind of annoyed. "We could go out."
"Really, I just ate." She complained.
Dipper grit his teeth.
"Didn't you ask me where I wanted to go?"
"Ooh! Let's go ice skating!" Pacifica exclaimed.
Dipper's expression lifted.
"Okay that sounds good."
They grabbed their stuff and ran out the door.
They got to the lake that was frozen over.
"Now hang on, this could be tricky." Dipper walked on the ice.
He bounced in specific areas to make sure the ice was sturdy.
"Seems fine." Dipper walked off.
He put on his skates and skid out to the lake. Pacifica watched, with her skates on, enthusiastically from the snow covered shore.
"Hey Pacifica, it's not that fun with one person." Dipper admitted.
"Oh yeah well do you want me to grab Mabel?" Pacifica asked.
"I meant why don't you come out her and join me." Dipper said with an obvious tone.
"Oh... um well the thing is um..." Pacifica stalled. "I uh... don't actually know how to ice skate." She tried to mumble.
Dipper sighed.
"Well then I guess I have no choice."
"No choice, wha-"
Dipper grabbed Pacifica and put her on the ice.
He feet wobbled everywhere.
"If you didn't know how to skate then why did you drag us out here?"
"Well, I just wanted to try but thanks to you I'm having second thoughts!" She said.
Pacifica fell down on the ice.
"Ow! That hurt."
"No no, you're doing it wrong." Dipper helped her up.
"Easy but swift strokes, see?" Dipper took Pacifica's hand and they skated. She fell again.
"This isn't working!" She pouted.
"This was your idea and it took me a few tries to get it myself." Dipper reassured.
They tried it again.
"Hey this is pretty cool." Pacifica said.
"Let's see how you do with out my support?" Dipper let go of Pacifica's hand.
"Wait, what! That's unfair!" Pacifica protested.
She began to heavily stumble.
"Dipper watch out!"
Dipper turned around only to be tackled by Pacifica. They landed in the snow. Pacifica on top of Dipper, who was buried several feet under.
"Dipper are you okay?" Pacifica asked in a panick.
Dipper pulled his head out of the snow. "I'll live." He said.
They both started laughing. They hadn't laughed this hard in two years.

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