Chapter 15: Preparation

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The Mystery Shack roared with excitement as the occupants were busy preparing for the Christmas party and dinner. Soos got his turntables ready and helped with setting up tables. Mabel, Candy, and Grenda, put up decorations while Stan "oversaw" the entire operation. Pacifica and Dipper were in the kitchen, making the food for the feast and appetizers for the party.
"Turkeys's almost done!" Pacifica shouted
"Great, what about the ham?" Dipper asked, while sprinkling parsley.
"Looks good." She said.
"Supply drop, dudes!" Soos brought in some large 2-liter bottles of pitt cola.
"Nice!" Pacifica said.
Soos left the room.
"Hey Pacifica, thanks for helping us with this party, you really didn't have to." Dipper said.
"No problem." She gave a smile and thumbs up. "Honestly I love doing this kind of stuff."
"I'm glad."
A moment of silence fell over the two.
"What do you think happened to your father?" Dipper asked
"I don't know, but I'm scared"
"Scared of what?"
"The fact that I don't know where he is, and what he's planning." Pacifica responded.
"That's sounds like a good reason." Dipper said turning his focus back on the meal.
Pacifica did the same.
"So how's work going?" Pacifica asked.
"Well. I guess. Hey, so the company's income, where does it go?"
"What do you mean, 'where does it go?'"
"I mean who pays the dues, issues the paychecks, who currently owns the company."
"Well my father of course." Pacifica said.
"He's a fugitive."
"Right, well then me." Pacifica said.
"Okay, but you've been out of country for the last two years. How did you get done all the stuff I just said?" Dipper asked.
"Well he... I mean I have my accountants and CFO take care of that stuff. You're the CEO, you should know this." She said almost in a question.
"I handle making money, I don't know where it goes." Dipper said.

Somehow, Dipper knew that the confusion with the Northwest real estate company, and Preston's escape were connected...
...and Pacifica was caught in the middle of it.

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