Chapter 17: The Development

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The party was enjoyed by its participants. The lights flashed, the crowd danced, and Soos was killing it on the DJ. The moment seemed to last forever. No one wanted it to end.
Dipper looked out one of the windows. The ground was filled snow-covered pine trees. The temperature difference between the glass and the inside of the Shack was so greatly different, Dipper's involuntary breathing created marks on the window.
Feelings of nostalgia crept in.
For a moment, it seemed the snow began to fall ever so slower. The blasting sound of the music faded to a background hum. Everything not directly in Dipper's gaze was heavily blurred.
Dipper was alone, alone with his thoughts.
"I just... well I... I was thinking about us. What happens after this week. I have to leave again in a few days and go back to Europe."
What will happen to us? Dipper began to think.
A hand aggressively landed on Dipper's shoulder, snapping Dipper out of his state and back into the real round.
After shaking off the minor shock, he turned around.
Unexpectedly, he saw Mabel.
"Come on Bro, you're missing the party." She yelled over the music.
"Mabel, it's past midnight, are you sure we shouldn't start sending people home?" Dipper asked realising how awkward it seemed to be yearling to someone at that close of a range. "Hey do you know where Pacifica ran off to again?" He asked before Mabel could answer.
"Dunno, probably doing shots with Stan or something." She joked before tilting her head back, indicating where Pacifica was.
Dipper saw Pacifica on the other side of the dance floor, talking to some old friends. Friends Dipper had seen and known the names of but Pacifica was more personally attached to.
"Oh okay, thanks." Dipper turned around to continued his pointless observations.
Mabel skipped away without a care in the world.
"Alright dudes, time to take things slow." Soos emphasised. "This will be the last song of the night so grab a partner." He spoke before turning the volume up to a very dance-worthy tune.
"So ya going to ask me to dance or what?" A voice said, again interrupting Dipper's pointless philosophical meditation.
Dipper turned to face Pacifica.
"I would be happy to." He said in a partly mockish tone, still getting the point across nevertheless.
Dipper and Pacifica held hands and locked fingers on one hand, the other around Pacifica's side and on Dipper's shoulder.
Dipper tapped off with his right foot before finding the beat. After that, off they went.
1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 3; 1... continuously chimed in the back of each of their heads.
Their eyes met and their gaze remained uncut, the two twirled around the part of the floor reserved for that particular activity.
The contagious smiles and laughter added to the grand time spent at the party.
The dance ended and the guests went home with smiles.
Because of the incident, Dipper drove Pacifica back to the Northwest Manor.
They pulled up to the drive way, Dipper unlocked the door. She stepped out thinking of the wonderful time she had had but stopped.
Her foot barely cleared the car door, she got back in and shut the door.
"What's wrong, did you forget somethin-" Dipper was interrupted by Pacifica's soft lips pressing up against his.
"Thank you for tonight." Pacifica added.
"No problem, thanks for being there." Dipper said.
She got out waving 'goodbye'.
Dipper pulled down the driveway, thinking how great it was going for him and Pacifica.
He then grew upset to realize that all of that would end in the next couple of days, when Pacifica must travel back to Europe.

Unfortunately for him, it would be over much sooner than that.

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