Chapter 26: Snowball into Misery

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The click of a lock echoed through the dark empty mud room of the Mystery Shack. The door bursted open, the sound was reinforced by the howling wind from outside. Snow lit up the dark room as it swept in by the inch. Dipper stumbled into the room, struggling to shut the door behind him.
By the time he did, the bit of snow in the air lost its momentum and slowly fell to the ground where it instantaneously melted. The howling wind ceased and was quickly replaced by the warm stagnant air of the Shack. Dipper's hands and feet began to take in the heat first, they stiffened and began to hurt at the nails and joints; he began clenching his dry hands into a fist and back again. Near the coat closet was a note pinned up by a piece of clear tape.
Kid, Ford and I went on a sort of adventure in central America (between me and you, it was the relentless cold). Anyways, you don't have to look after the Shack or anything, just turn everything off and lock the door before you leave.
Dipper made nothing of the note. He was more concerned on getting a hot shower (which was impossible when there were more than two people home). Dipper headed toward the full bathroom on the main floor, taking off his jacket and throwing it on the couch.
He made his way into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His blueish face and bloodshot eyes only reminded him of how melancholy his life had become. His depression followed him in and out of the shower. By the time he left the bathroom the same as when he entered, just a little warmer.
He plugged his phone into the wall outlet in the family room. The battery was dead due to the cold. It powered on,
Missed Calls: 2.
They were both from an unfamiliar number. Dipper called them back.
"Hello." An older woman's voice was heard.
"Uh hi, I got a call from this number."
"Please hold." The line changed. Dipper waited.
"Ah hello. Dipper Pines?" A man with a deep voice picked up the phone.
"Yes that's me, can I ask why you called me?"
"Well Dipper, I'm with The Northwest real estate's attorney, I'm not sure if we've actually met yet, I haven't been able to reach you, but you've heard what's been happening, right?" He asked.
"I'm sorry, no. I've been..out of town... for the last day and a half." Dipper said.
"Well kid, after everything that went down with Preston, almost all our investors pulled. In the end we had to terminate the entire line of employment and the company filed for bankruptcy, I'm sorry kid...."
Dipper threw his phone on the floor, cracking the screen. The call went dead.
"Of course, you have to ruin my life even more, Pacifica Northwest! Are you happy now?" Dipper was talking to no one. He didn't need to be.
He wanted the world to know how bad he felt.

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