Chapter 19: Missing

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Dipper ran down the street as fast as humanly possible.
I knew this would happen! He said to himself.
"Now, to find her." Dipper pondered on where Pacifica could have been taken to.
If his hypothesis was correct, he would have to locate Preston, Pacifica's father. Seeing that there was no possible way Dipper could know where Preston was, this would prove difficult.
And the motive... Thought he; in the back of his mind, slowly evolving into the main focus.
"Why would he take Pacifica?" The, thought to be, obvious question proved the most difficult to answer.
Why would Preston, a convict on the run, come back for his publically recognized daughter? It made no sense. And why would he necessarily be the one at fault? Pacifica was wealthy enough, any crook with a brain could organize something on that level.
Dipper stopped and collected himself. He was at a standstill, no closer than he was when he started, and stumped before he even began.
Focus, focus!
He had a lead, Preston Northwest; but where would he go? The question haunted his unstable mindset. He was about to fall on the ground in frustration when his phone rang.
His eyes shot up and his body became straighter, the motion was represented by a large, audible, gasp.
He messed around in his pocket until he could find his phone, even then he juggled the device up to his ear. Without even the slightest glimpse at the contact, he pressed answer.
"Dipper! Thank God. I heard what happened, I'm on my way."
"Wait who is thi—"
"It's me, Trey."
Dipper had forgotten Trey was in Gravity Falls.
How would he know what happened? And this quickly too? Paranoia spread throughout Dipper's mind. Luckily he was able to collect himself before speaking again.
"...I think I have some important information on what happened." Trey continued.
"What, you do?" Dippers voice peeked, audibly projecting a sign of desperation.
"You're at the park, I assume." Trey asked.
The sound of the shifting of objects, clanging of metal keys, and the irritating scratch of a zipper riding across its track, could be heard from Trey's side of the line.
"Yes but-"
"I'm on my way." The line went dead, Trey hung up.
Dipper was again left to only his thoughts, pondering what possible outcomes would come of this situation; but more so, what information did his friend have, and would it be useful.
The anxiety built up in the, already unstable, mind of Dipper Pines.

Roughly a half hour later Trey arrived, Dipper briskly stood up to greet him.
"Dipper, long time no see!"
"Our reunion will have to wait." Dipper said harshly.
"Okay, I may know how to where to find Pacifica." Trey brought forth.
This was a beacon of hope for Dipper, who unknowly was losing his mind.
However, one question remained.
"How did you know that Pacifica was missing?" He asked Trey.
"Are you kidding, it was all over the news as an hour ago." Trey confirmed.
Word had gotten out that far, that fast? Dipper was flabbergasted.
"What do you know?"
"Where would the first place be where Preston knew that no one would look for him?"
"What?" Dipper said frustrated.
"The first place authorities would cross off would be his own home."
"That's impossible, the manor's crawling with cops."
"No Dipper. I mean his home home." Trey leaned closser as to hint that the conversation became more confidential.
"The old Northwest Mansion." Dipper let out with a breath of air. He shortly found a flaw. "But Mgucket lives there." He pointed out.
"Ol' Fittlefurd's been teaching at University for the last month." Trey pulled up an article backing his claim.
"It's worth a look then." Dipper said with a fake tone of optimism.
"Lets go then, the car's still running."
Dipper stopped. "Wait you knew something like this would happen. That's what you were trying to tell me, isn't it?"
"I saw Preston broke out of prison and I just put two and two together and figured he'd be after his daughter." Trey shrugged.
"You're smarter than you let on sometimes." Dipper laughed.
"But Dipper, be careful. You're the head of his company, not to mention the center of his daughter's life. No doubt he has a bone to pick with you." Trey warned.
Dipper nodded. "I will. In the mean time let's find Pacifica!"
For the first time, Dipper finally had some place to start.
We're coming Pacifica.

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