Chapter 5: Resurfacing Trauma

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"Ow, everything hurts." Dipper blinked his eyes open
Alarms and explosions filled the sound in the air.
Dipper struggled to get up. He studied the bruises that riddled up his arms. Then he saw it. Pacifica dead.
She was impaled by a steel beam.
"No...No...No! Impossible, no God please no!" He fell to his knees, disregarding the pain it caused him.
"Pacifica please, I saved you. You shouldn't be dead!" His rant was interrupted by the shaking of the earth. A fissure opened in the ground beneath them, swallowing Pacifica's remains.
"PACIFICA!" Dipper screamed.
Suddenly, a figure emerged from the fissure, omnipotently flying. It was Pacifica.
Dipper looked in aw. "Pacifica, bu... how...?"
"Silence!" She cupped her hands. Dipper felt an invisible grip around his throat.
"Ech.. Can't... can't breathe!" He choked out. Dipper was picked up off the ground and drawn to Pacifica until her hand was completely around his neck.
The force let go as he felt his weight dangle over a pit of never ending fire. Pacificas hand was the only thing holding his neck.
"P-Pacifica, what are y-you doing?"
Pacifica opened her eyes revealing yellow eyes with vertical red pupils.
"No! It can't be!"
"What's wrong, don't you reconize me? This is my true form." Pacifica said in a mockish tone. Her voice echoed across the endless sight of destruction.
"Pacifica, please stop this! This isn't you." Dipper pled.
She laughed insanely.
"This is me!"
She tightened her grip.
"Ech!" Dipper began to choke.
Suddenly everything became silent.
Pacifica shut her eyes then slowly opened them revealing her normal blue eyes.
"D-dipper..." her  voice fell normal. "H-help m-me." They both fell from mid-air screaming into the abyss of fire.

Dipper shot out of his bed.
His breath was staggered and heavy.
It was a dream? He convinced himself.
It just felt too real.

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