Chapter 16: The Party

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Friends and Family began arriving at the Shack at five. Snacks and refreshments were provided before the dinner. It was mainly concentrated in the large room where Soos DJ'ed for a while.
Dipper was talking to friends when Trey arrived.
"Hey Dipper, long time no see." He said.
They both hugged and caught up.
"Great to see you, man." Dipper said.
"You too, is your girlfriend here?" Trey asked.
"She should be, I'll find her and tell her that you're here."
Dipper looked on the dance floor but she was not there. Pacifica was not in the kitchen nor the living room.
"Pacifica!" Dipper tried calling but his voice was overcome by the beats of the base in the background.
Where could she be?
"Must be in the bathroom or something, 'can't find her anywhere else." Dipper got back to Trey.
"That's a shame, well I would really like to check into the motel I'm staying at before the office closes, see ya tomorrow." Trey said walking to the door.
"Yeah you too." Dipper waved over the crowd.
Now time to find Pacifica
Dipper began to ask around.
No one had a clue where Pacifica was. No one had even seen her since the party started.
Dipper still searched around, instead of it becoming a bother, Dipper got legitimately worried.
Thoughts like;
Where could she be?
What happened to her?
I hope she's alright!
Rang in and out of Dipper mind.
She couldn't be... outside, could she? He speculated.
Dipper decided to go to his spot on the roof to get a better vantage point. He started up the stairs, building more and more determination with every step. He got to his old room, then started to climb the ladder to the room, and...
He got to the roof, it was cold, but the warmth of his clothes and body made it feel almost lethargic. The lights were on in the Shack but  the overhanging roof prevented them from polluting the night sky. Dipper looked up, the star-filled sky was absolutely breath taking. It was confusing to tell the stars apart from the snowflakes that fell, adding onto the inches of powder already on the ground. The air was bitter cold but had that nice smell that it gets on a snowy day. Then looking down at the ground, the light and shadows that projected on it almost gave the viewer a glimpse of what was going on inside.
This is... it's beyond words.
Dipper got closer and closer to the edge of the roof, trying to take in every detail.
He looked upon the outstretched snow-covered pines and endless sight of pitch white plains and meadows.
It was just, as Dipper put it before, 'beyond words.'
"You planning on jumping?" A voice said from the dark.
Dipper was startled and turned around to face whomever spoke.
It was Pacifica.
"Oh Pacifica, there you are. Come on, everyone's looking for you. What are you doing up here."
"I got sick of the party, so I came up here. Though I got stuck admiring the view." She said.
"Come on, aren't parties your thing or whatever?" Dipper taunted. "Or is it something else?"
"I was just thinking."
"About what?" Dipper persisted.
Pacifica remain answerless for an uncomfortable amount of time.
"I just... well I... I was thinking about us. What happens after this week. I have to leave again in a few days and go back to Europe."
"Yeah, well we should stay in touch more." Dipper said.
"That's not the same." Pacifica hung her head.
A moment of silence fell.
"Listen, let's just make the best, and I mean the absolute best, out of these next couple of days. At least can we enjoy the party?"
Pacifica smiled, "I think so."
"Amazing, I'll make sure of it."
The two went happily down to enjoy the rest of the party.

Dipper was unaware of what would happen next.

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