Chapter 8: Keeping Secrets

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Dipper found himself unpacking the rest of his belonging along side Pacifica.
"So where should all of these books go?" Asked Pacifica.
"They can go in my room, just put the box on the bed." Dipper replied.
"'K" She hurried in the room.
Dipper wiped the sweat from his brow. He thought how ironic for it to be so cold outside yet there he was, sweating from carrying boxes inside. By the time Pacifica got back, she looked the same way.
Dipper, meanwhile, was putting away the large utensils.
"Well, it looks like that's the last one." Dipper said patting his hands.
"Phew! If I had to carry one more box, I would've passed out." Pacifica exaggerated and flopped on the couch.
"Pass out? You carried like three things!" He argued.
She gave a mocking laugh.
"You can be such a handful." Dipper said
"And you're just naturally a dork so that makes us both a couple of weirdo's." She shot back.
Pacifica flipped the TV. The news was on.
"New controversy surrounding the arrest of Preston Northwes-"
Her heart skipped a beat.
No... not now!
She looked over to Dipper, who was turning his head.
Pacifica grabbed the remote and turned the TV off before he could notice anything.
By the time he finally turned around, all he could see was his girlfriend juggling his remote before eventually dropping it on the hardwood. He batted an eyebrow.
"What was that?" Dipper asked.
"Sorry, uh I sat on the remote. Ha ha." Pacifica lied and gave a fake smile.
"Oh okay." He turned around and continued to do whatever he was doing from Pacifica's point of view.
Pacifica sat back and sighed.
She couldn't take the guilt anymore. But she would rather die before telling Dipper.
But she knew if she didn't tell him, Dipper would find out on his own. And she didn't know what he would think if he did.
If he found out and left, I wouldn't blame him.
I'd only have myself to blame.

She looked at her wrist in a weird way.

Never Let You Down ~ A Dipcifica Fanfiction (Book 7: Finale)Where stories live. Discover now