Jenna P.O.V

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Tyler kept drifting off when I was talking to him so I just gave up and left him there to sleep. I was so furious with him because he left and didn't even pick up a phone and let me know he was safe. Something is up and he's just putting it off as he's just tired. Debby was in the kitchen drinking coffee so I joined her. "Boy troubles ?" I asked. She nodded. "Have you noticed how weird Tyler and Josh are acting ?" I really wanted to know if it was just me or something noticeable. She never looked up from her mug, but shook her head. Hm, okay then.
I went to bed and barely slept. When I woke up it was ten am so I went to Tylers dressing room, he was moaning in his sleep. What is he dreaming about ? I shook him a little and his eyes opened quickly. When he realized it was me they went back to normal instead of wide eyed. I apologized to him and kissed him. But he pulled away staring at the door. Josh and Debby. Josh ran off and Tyler got genuinely worried and went after him. Why would Josh get upset over us kissing though ? I followed pursuit and seen that Josh was crying. Josh was actually crying and Tyler was apologizing. Apologizing for what though ? Kissing his wife ? "Tyler, what is going on ?" I asked, but he was short with me and walked away when he realized Josh left. He locked himself in his dressing room.
Am I missing something ?

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