Tyler P.O.V

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The doctors kept telling me Josh would be okay, but I still couldn't help but worry. This is my fault. All my fault. Josh is hurt and I caused it. I kept pacing the waiting room, and I felt a chill down my spine. I stopped, looking around. Nobody was in sight, well not at first. Then the doctor appeared, "what ? What's wrong?" I asked running to him. "Josh is stable, b-but he's in a coma and we're not sure he'll wake up from it." I felt my heart sink to my feet, I never thought I could feel so bad. I ran to Josh's room, falling into him. I couldn't help but blame myself. I cried into Josh, my heart shattering at the thought of him never waking up. I can't do this without him, not now. "Tyler." I turned around to see Jenna in the doorway. My heart begin pounding in my chest, she walked in and asked what was going on. Tears flowed down my face as I told her. She tried to comfort me but nothing could help me through this. I pleaded into him. He can't leave me. "Josh." My voice was cracking. "Please, please wake up. I love you. It's us against them. And without you, it's just me. I can't fight this alone." I kept crying, I didn't even notice that Jenna left. I squeezed Josh's hand, ever so slightly. "Come back to me." I whispered as I laid down onto him, I drifted off. *beep beep beep* I heard Josh's machines going off and begin worrying, I jumped up searching the room. I felt a hand on my shoulder, "it's okay Tyler." It was the nurse. "We just had to fix his iv, lay back down. I'll bring you a blanket." The nurse must've scooted Josh over because there was room on his bed now. I climbed into bed with him and the nurse walked back in with a blanket. "Thank you." I said pulling it over me and Josh. I cuddled up against Josh, being careful not to move him around to much. "You better wake up before me." I whispered, falling back to sleep.
I don't know if it was my imagination, but I think Josh moved. I shifted around, attempting to sit up and failing. Josh's finger moved. I know it wasn't my imagination that time. He's waking up! "Nurse!" The nurse ran in,  "what ?" She sounded worried as she ran to me and Josh. "His fingers moved!" I said excitedly, she frowned at me. "W-what?" I asked at her frowned furred eyebrows. "Sometimes the nerves will cause someone to twitch. He's not waking up sweetie." She rubbed my shoulder and walked out. Oh. I snuggled into Josh and warm tears fell out onto his bare chest. "Josh, wake up." I'm sobbing now. "Please." I put my arm around his chest.

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