Chapter Two: My first day of school

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Jasmines P.O.V

So today is the day that I go to a new school. Jude, Callie and I are in the kitchen with everyone running around the kitchen like they are chickens with their heads cut off. I guess we aren't doing anything while we just sit here; I hate when people do things for me but I guess that it's good. The only thing I want to know is how long are we going to stay here for.

"Jesus, the trash needs to go out - we don't need to remind you."

"I took it out yesterday."

"Well it's full, and get off your skateboard please."

"No skateboards in the house! How many times have we told you?"
We see Stef pulling up her foot in pain. Jesus must have run over her foot with his skateboard.
Today is the day that we have to see what happens, Callie, Brandon, and the twins left for school and there was only Lena, Stef, Jude and I in the house waiting for Bill to come and sort out the situation with Jude and I. Jude went outside and I went to followed after him, but before I went outside I went to the living room to grab my sketchbook so I could draw the tree out there. No one in my family that I know of can draw but me. I always seem to find something that I love from the foster homes I been to. I would draw it to remember it by or I would draw portraits of Jude and Callie.

The talk that was happing between Stef, Lena and Bill felt like it was forever, we had no idea what they were taking about but I hope that it's something good.

A couple hours later.....

The talk was done and Lena was taking Jude and I to school. Jude and I always hated being the new kid at a school but we have gotten used to it.
"Hey guys, I'm going to take you to my office and then I will take you both to your classes."
We just nodded silently, taking a seat outside of her office - waiting for her to be done with what she was doing in her office.
Then the door opens.
"We can take Jude to his class then I'm going to take you to the art room. I saw before when you and Jude were outside that you like to draw. Right now, if that's what you want to do, you can go and sit down somewhere, okay? Until we can get everything together for you, you'll mostly likely have to be out here, is that okay? Would you like to sit outside?"
"If it's okay, may I go to the beach? I think I would love it there more then in a class room."
"Yeah, that's completely okay with me - may I see when you're done?"
"Yeah, if you would like to! I was wondering if I could draw you at lunch? I think that you would be good for me to draw."
"Of course, honey. How did you get this gift of drawing?"
"I don't really know, I didn't get it from anyone in my family, that I know of anyway."
Lena walks me to the beach.

We get to the beach, which Lena leaves me to do what I would like. I sit down then I take my sketchbook out of my bag and a pencil out of the side of the book, beginning to draw. Then I felt some one next to me, turning my head to the side only to see Jesus.
"Wow that's really good."
He takes my book out of my hands.
"They aren't done, they won't look that good."
"Are you kidding me? These are really good! You shouldn't doubt your talent. I can't even do this; I'm bad with everything to do with school, well everything expect sport I'm really good at that."

"Yeah I don't do sport, like at all."

"Yeah, well I better go or I will get in trouble."

"Okay bye."

For a  while I just sit at the beach sketching what I saw.

(A/N a really quick one
For the drawings I have a friend DreamBug will be drawing them so I will give all credit to her for the drawings so if you guys want check her out and yeah.)

The bell goes...
I see everyone getting out of their classes to go to their lockers and I walk all around the school to see if I can find Callie or anyone from the foster family so I have someone to hang out with because I have no clue who anyone is. I start to make my way to Lena's office I think I should ask her if she can take me to Callie I think since I don't know anyone that I might stay with my sister I know I said I would draw her but I would be best that i should maybe hang out with other people.
I knock in Lena's office door.
"Come in!"
I walk into the room and close the door behind me. 

" I was wondering if you could help me because I have no one to sit with because I don't know where anyone is?" I felt like I was freaking out but I don'r really know. 

"Hey honey its okay you can have lunch with me if you want to?" 

I just nod because she saw me freak out that's never happened to me before it happened to Callie when our mom died she went weird and trashed her room but i don't think she sees it that way. 

I sitting here in this chair feeling like there is nothing in this world to talk about i'm just sitting here with my lunch and my mind is completely  blank-what the hell do I talk about? please you be the first to talk. 

"So how long have you been drawing for?"

"Well when I was younger my dad used to tell me i would always pick up a pencil and draw with it but for me i don't really know i guess that i always been drawing, i think it helps me get my head out of things." 


here you go guys i hope that you like it. 

I don't know if this would meet the second episode of season one but i just went with it so I hope that you like it.

please don't forget to 




love you guys 

Jessi xxxx

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