Chapter Six: what are you talking about?

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Jesus' P.O.V 

I am sitting in this room since I have too I guess that is my own fault I didn't want my twin sister to get in trouble, well I saw that look on her face when went into our first foster home when I saw that I knew that I had to protect her. While I am sitting here for the last ten minutes even though it feels longer. I see Jasmine and Cole walker walking out of the school. What the hell is she going? And where is she going?

I can't do anything about it I have to sit for the whole day; I guess mom will find out that she skipped school with one of the bad kids in the school and flip, anyway what is so good about Cole Walker? He is an ass that only cares about himself and Jasmine is going to get hurt if they end up together. Wait why do I care? I have a girlfriend well that's that I think it is anyway?

It's has been an hour and she still hasn't come back, what if something bad has happened? For all I know is that she is hurt and she is at the hospital, I think I have to tell someone like Callie or mom because they need to know just in case but I don't want to be a dibby dobber because that would end so well. All of us have been let out for a little brake; I guess I am going to have to tell even if I don't want to.

I walk to my mom's office, I think about knocking on the door and I feel my hands are begin to feel sweaty I think this is starting to be a bad idea, I should turn around right now and not think about it until she finds out herself, that's it I am going to walk back now I am not going to do it, I can't do it to Jasmine since she is a new person in the house and sometimes they need to get out of their head and that's what jasmine might need to get out of her head.

I get back to that room where I sit here and do nothing for the whole day, man I hate this after this I will have to a lot more homework then I am giving and with math's I am not able to do it by myself so I need some help.

End of the day....

We are all working home well everyone but Jasmine she didn't come back to school, she skipped the whole day just to be with a dirt bag why would she hang out with him? she can be friends with all of Mariana's friends there is nothing wrong with that.

"Has anyone seen Jasmine today?"Callie ask

Everyone shook their heads because they didn't know where she was, only I knew and I know I should tell Callie about jasmine skipping but I know that Jasmine would be so angry with me but I guess she will find out in he own way.

But then out of nowhere there she is with Cole walking from the other direction. Great are they together now or something it has only been two days and they haven't known each other for that long? Wait a minute why should I care, and I don't I have Lexi but the only thing I know about my relationship with Lexi is that I have to hide it from my twin and I know in the end I will end up hurting her and I don't want that but I really like Lexi.

Cole walks away from Jasmine and goes another way, I have to get to her before anyone else does to see why she skipped school and to also see if she is going to tell my mom's that she skipped school? When I get to her I put my hand on her shoulder and she turns her head to look at me.

"I know that you weren't at school today and that you with Cole for the whole day."

"Yeah I did skip school, but there is a reason why I did it."

"Yeah and what would be that reason?"

"do you know what it feels like to not have any friends or know anyone, or how I have to move to six different school in the past couple of years."

I look away from her because I don't know how it feels to not have any of that I always made friends or knew someone so I wouldn't know how it would feel. Before we know it we are at home and that's when it starts.


"NONE OF YOU BUSINESS OKAY." Jasmine yells back



"Hey what is going on here?"Mom ask (Lena)

"Jasmine wasn't at school today." Callie says

"Yeah I know but we already had a talk when I got an email from her teacher, she wanted to hang out with Cole to talk about something's and to me that's okay because I knew that she need to make friends and Cole owned up to it saying she didn't want to go but she did so she could make a friend and she said she was sorry and that she would make up the day."

"Whatever." Callie says and walks upstairs

Jasmine walks though the kitchen to go outside I follow her to see if she is okay, I get outside, I can hear her crying I sit next  to her i put my arm around her to give her some comfort. 

"Are you okay?"

"No not really, I don't know why she thinks that she is the boss of me, I am my own person I can make my own choices  even they are bad half of the things that she has done are bad but this was the first time i did something wrong."

"I think that she was just worried about you."

"Yeah i can understand that but she doesn't have to act like she is the boss of me because she is my sister nothing else, i don't boss Jude around."

"Yeah well i don't know then i give pretty crappy advice so don't come to me."

she laughs at me that is better to see and hear that right now, and i never noticed how pretty her smile was, Jesus get that out of your head right now you are with Lexi and you like Lexi no one else, I can't think about her like this because we are not allowed to do that anyway. 

She whips her face she is about to say something but I see Lexi out the corner of my eye and I know that this isn't going to be good, I walk to go follow Lexi to tell her that what she saw just then with Jasmine and I was me trying to give her some comfort. 

"Lexi wait."

"Why should I?"

"What just happened wasn't what you thought okay, Callie and her got into a fight and she was upset and I was trying to make her feel better."

"Oh that's okay I guess you were just trying to help."

I smile at her glad that she is getting it that she is seeing nothing was there with that. I walk away to go into my room and Lexi can go see Mariana, before I can go into my room Lexi grabs my hands and stops me. 

"Meet me in the bathroom at 8:00 okay."

I nod my head because I know what that means. 


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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Hey guys, 

Here is another chapter for you guys, this time I have changed it a little I put it Jesus eyes,  I hope that you guys like it so let me know what you think of this chapter by commenting. 

Thank you so much on all of the comments on the other chapter. 

So please don't forget to 



Love you 


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