Chapter Seven: Don't talk to me

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Jasmine's P.O.V 

We are at the table eating dinner with Lexi, I'm sitting next to Jude since Callie and I aren't talking since we had that fight before so I haven't really spoken to her this is really weird no one is talking, like at all but every time I look at Jesus he is always staring at Lexi I can't see how Mariana isn't seeing this, like come one they are flirting right in front of you and you can't see that like come one.

I don't feel like eating at this point but I am hungry, so I keep my head down at eat my dinner in silence, I look up at Lena

"Is it okay if I can be excused?"

"Yeah honey that's okay." Lena says

I get up from the table and start to walk to my room, I need to get my drawing done or i might get in trouble but before i could eve get to it, Cole starts face-timing me I wonder what he wants? should i answer it? Mariana walks into my room, i think i might need some with this 

"Hey Cole is Face-timing me should i answer it?" 

"Hell yes, because you will be crazy if you didn't." 

she walks out of the room, i guess that i am going to answer it i press the the green button then i see his friends She walks out of the room, I guess that I am going to answer it I press the green button then I see his face man he is good looking no wonder all of the girls want to have him.

"Hey Jas."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing calling to say I had a great day today."

"Yeah I too thank you for taking me."

"Did you get in trouble when you got home?"

"No not really, well my older sister and I got into a fight but with my foster mom's didn't really say anything because they knew."

"sorry that you and your sister got into a fight, but at least your foster mom's didn't mind."

"Yeah I guess, so Cole Walker why are you calling me?"

"Maybe I wanted to talk to you because I like to talk to you."

"Okay then, I better go I have a lot of home work that I have to do."

"Yeah same here, I will meet you at school tomorrow at the front."

"Yeah it sounds good."

I hung up the phone to get this homework done, even though I don't want to do it but i have to get it done i pull out my sketch book to get my day of the dead girl done and i am now where done yet. i put m head phones in to listen to some music while doing this, i go to my phone and put on a random song on so i can get this done. 

half way though Jesus comes into the room he goes to his bed and sits down, i look though the little gap between his bed and mine and he is smiling, why is he smiling? something good must have happened, maybe something with Lexi but i don't want to get into it for one the more i get into it the more i will get in the bad books of Mariana and two i shouldn't have known about this and i should have told her about this relationship between her best friend and twin brother. 

"Why are you so happy for?"
"No reason, just happy."

"Is it because of Lexi?"

"I think it might be, why do you have a big smile for?"

"No reason just talked to Cole and we are meeting tomorrow morning before school."

"You and him are a thing are you?"

"No I have only known him for like two days and if there was why do you care?"

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