Chapter Nineteen: When we found Lexi.

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Jasmine's P.O.V 

I woke up with the sound of the alarm clock, Why now? it feels like I haven't been asleep but I know that I need to get up and do things today I can't just lay here thinking about the bad things that has happened in the past couple of days i just cant and i wont. 

I went into the bathroom and I have my shower and do all the things that i needed to do in the bathroom I don't take as long as Mariana when she is in the bathroom so I checked that Jesus wasn't in our room because it would be weird, and he is not there thank god because i need to get changed and get ready for today. 

Once I am finished getting ready I walk down stairs into the kitchen and I see Lexi's parents in the kitchen, Why are they here? What's happened? Did Jesus tell Lexi?

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Once I am finished getting ready I walk down stairs into the kitchen and I see Lexi's parents in the kitchen, Why are they here? What's happened? Did Jesus tell Lexi?

"Hey what's going on?" I ask

"Lexi ran away from home last night have you spoken to her at all Jasmine?" asks Stef

"No I haven't Lexi and I aren't really that close, sorry." 

"No its okay honey, we might need some help finding her." 

"Sure I can help out anyway I can." 

"Thank you so much." 

i think that i need to tell Mariana and Jesus but i haven't spoken to Jesus since the other night and I don't know how Mariana would feel about this. I grab some juice and walk out of the kitchen and to text Cole to see if he can help me out with looking for Lexi.  I look up from my phone to see Jesus with the saddest face in the world. 

"I get that you are mad at me right now , but I need to talk to you or someone." 

"Why should we talk Jesus? I feel like every time that we talk something happens and you have Lexi and I am not getting in the way of that okay, you love her." 

"Yeah I love her but I can't help say that I don't feel something for you." 

"Just stop Jesus I can't keep  doing this." 

I walk away not wanting to keep on talking to him about this I went to  Mariana's room to talk to her about Lexi  to see if she wants to help to find Lexi, Cole and I are wanting to help.  When I walk into her room and she is on her phone. 

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come with Cole and I to help find Lexi?" 

"No I am good I will go by myself." 

"Are you sure because she is your best friend."  

"I said that I'm fine." 

"Okay don't need to be rude about it, I thought since she was your best friend that you might want to look for her." 

I walk out of the room to see if Cole was here so we both could look for Lexi together, I feel bad for Lexi's parents because that is her only daughter it was like me losing my family and when we went into foster care and they split up me away from Callie and Jude.  I went down stairs into the kitchen and see that Cole is in the kitchen with my foster family and they are talking which i have no clue what they are talking about. 

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