Chapter Twenty: When Stef got shot.

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Jasmine's P.O.V 

Since  Jesus told me that he loved me but I didn't say anything back and I haven't really talked to him about it since that night because I had no clue what the hell I was going to say, I feel like a bitch for not telling him that I loved him back but I don't know how I feel right now.  I wake up with the sound of the alarm clock going off in my ear I get up to get ready, for some reason in the past couple of days Jesus as been distant with Lexi when i asked her she told me that she had no clue and that they have been a little bit off this the whole him and I thing but I think that there is a little more to the story then he is letting on. 

I still haven't talked to Mariana after what happened with her and I having that fight about her knowing where Lexi was the whole time and making everyone find her when she could have came clean and tell Lexi parents where she was, but i found out that before that she talked to me that she told her parents if she was pulled out of anchor beach that she would go to immigration and tell them that they are undocumented, and wow that was big of her to do and since that night of her telling me about Jesus her and I have become a little closer but not that close that we would call each other best friends but the fact that she is so worried about Jesus her and I have been talking a whole a lot more.   

I get ready for the day by going in to the bathroom to only find the person that I am not talking to at the moment even though she has tried to talk to me but I just walk away I just cant stop thinking about the fact that she knew about her best friend was and that she was hiding hat she could have told someone where she was but I don't want to talk to her at all at the moment.  I get into the shower so I can get ready to go to school and figure out what the hell I am going to do or eve say to Jesus about what has happened with the other day and know what the hell it means for us. 

Once  I get out of the shower I get dressed into something that i haven't worn at all but I liked it when I went shopping with Emma and talked about girl stuff it is not like i can talk to Cole about girl things even though I would if I could but I just needed a girls thoughts on what the hell is going on and I left out the fact that I was crushing on my foster brother and that I couldn't be with him because it is like a law to be with your foster brother but hey she helped me a little. 

I walk down stairs, to go to the kitchen I take a seat at the table next to Callie and I put some cereal into my bowl then add in the milk, I start to eat my breakfast and once that I am done I wash my bowl then I dry it and then put it away again...

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I walk down stairs, to go to the kitchen I take a seat at the table next to Callie and I put some cereal into my bowl then add in the milk, I start to eat my breakfast and once that I am done I wash my bowl then I dry it and then put it away again then i walk out of the house so I could go to school with everything going on I just wanted to get out of there. But I hear someone call my name from a far and I know that it is Mariana but I just keep on walking. 

"Jasmine please stop." 

i keep on walking not wanting to talk to her. 

"I know why Jesus has been so distant." 

Now i stop I need to now what is going on with him. 

"We both went to go see our birth mother." 

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