Twenty-one: The Wedding.

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Jasmine's P.O.V 

It has been a couple of weeks since Stef was shot and got out of the hospital, Jesus and I still haven't made a decision on weather we are together or not he has been keeping to himself but I have to get over it, any who when Stef got shot she asked Lena to marry her and today is the big day that we all help to set up.  Mariana and I have spoken but not a whole lot I am still trying to keep my distance with her I have been mostly hanging out with Cole,  We are now all helping out with the wedding it is happening in the backyard of the house is pretty cool. Cole is coming around to help out with everything I am texting him the time that he should be coming over to start helping out.  At the moment Jude and I are in the kitchen eating our breakfast. 

" Hey guys, can we talk to you in the living room?" Asks Lena. 

I nod Jude and I walk into the living room and Callie is already sitting down on the couch with Stef. Right now i am freaking out with what is going to happen are they saying that they don't want us anymore... 

"So we have had a thought about this for a little while now and we wanted to ask if it was okay if we could make this a permit thing for you guys?"  says Stef (A/N I don't really know what was said so I made it up) 

Wait a second are they asking us is it okay if they can adopt us? if they are that's good because Callie, Jude and I will have a family but it would also be a bad thing with the stuff that is going on with Jesus and I, plus I can tell that Callie has a little thing  for Brandon so i have no clue what to do in this situation at all. I look up at Jesus and I cannot tell what he is thinking. 

" Are you guys okay with this?" says Callie

I look at her to see who she is talking to and she was talking to Brandon. 

" there is enough to go around." 

I get up from the couch and leave I can't do this not now I know that I am missing having a family but I can't forget about the one that I had but at the same time it is also putting a sign on  me saying to us SORRY NOT ALLOW TO BE HAPPY which I think I should be allowed to have.  I know that someone is following me but right now I need to think. I take a seat outside on the steps and Callie sits next's to me I thought that it would have been someone different.

"I know that you miss them but we all need this." Callie says

"I get that Callie but it feels like I forget them, I don't want to forget them." 

"You won't forget mom or dad okay, you have them with you all the time okay in your heart okay, if we allow them adopt us okay we will have a family again okay this would be good for all of us, we will never forget where we came from okay?" 

"Yeah, I want them to adopt us so let go be a part of a family again." 

We both get up and walk back inside to the lounge room  and took a seat on the couch. I want this, I need this, I need a family which I haven't had in a long time. 

"If the offer is still on the table we would love to be adopted." I say 

Stef and Lena give us the worlds biggest hug that I have ever had, I look up to see the rest of them and I see Jesus' face which I can tell that he is not happy with this but I know we are going to have to talk about it one point or another.  Everyone starts to coming in the house to help out for the wedding, grandma ( Dana) and grandpa (Stuart) have come to help us out and from what I have heard her and grandma (Sharon) don't get along all that well.

"I found a boy outside I wonder who he belongs too." said grandma Dana

Cole walks out from behind them I raise my hand up knowing that we are only friends but no one else knows it, Cole walks over to me and gives me a hug then we thought that it would be a better idea to go and help out mom and mama. 

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