Chapter Four: How do you make friends

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(quick A/N I read one of the comments form you guys and I had made a mistake on the age of Jasmine when her mom died so I did change it to 8 years old so it sorts of adds up but when I said 5 I just took a guess on the years not really thinking about the years between.) 

Jasmine's P.O.V

So I am walking down the hall way of the school and I feel like the people that are in the hall way are staring at me because I am the new girl and that I might be like Callie because she went to Juvie and that I might have been there too.

While I was walking I bumped into a girl with brown hair she looked every pretty.

"OMG, I am so sorry I was day dreaming." I said to her

"No its okay, I can tell that you are new so you get a pass."

"I am Jasmine, what's your name?"

"I'm Emma nice to meet you."

"Yeah it's nice to meet you too; I better get going I have no clue where any of my classes are so if I get moving now I'm pretty sure that I will find my class." 

I begin to walk off so I could get to my class, before I get any feather I get stopped I turn around to see Emma I smile at her, thank god she is here to help me I would have been late to all of my classes, most likely get into trouble with Lena for not being with Mariana.

We are walking and I see Jesus and I know that he isn't allowed to be out of the detention room so there must be something going on but I don't care at the moment. Emma stops walking I am guessing that this is my class.

"So here is AP art for you, I am guessing that you must be really good at art because you are in the AP class for."

"Yeah I think I am well that's what people tell me anyway, see you later I guess."

I walk into the class room and see all of my class; they are so much older than me it sort of freaks me out a little I take a sit near the back where no one else is, I look down at my sketch book and start drawing random things until the teacher comes. 

I see front of me go a little dark  I look up to see a boy a little bit older than me.

I see front of me go a little dark  I look up to see a boy a little bit older than me

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I look up to see a boy a little bit older than me.

"This is my table, so move." he says rudely.

"It doesn't have your name on it so why should I move just find another table."

"No I always sit here, I know that you are new but this is how it works."

"Well I am not moving so find another sit or something."

"Are you always this annoying?"

"Yep, that's what I am told."

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