Chapter Twelve: Do you want me or her?

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Jasmine's P.O.V 

While I am kissing him I know that it might be only because of Jesus but he is with Lexi it took me to see them together to see that he wanted her and always be her and I don't want to be in the middle of that I need this family so I am going to have to give up my feelings for Jesus and try something new.

I pull away from the kiss and smile at him and he is smiling at me. That's when I see Jesus staring at the two of us what does he thing was going to happen that I would just sit and wait around for him to make up his mind, I can't just wait for him what would that do for me, me getting happy every time that Lexi and him are having a fight no that isn't okay with me and I shouldn't have to go through that. Then he walks over to us great.

"Jasmine can I talk to you please... alone?"

"What do you want Jesus?"

"Can we please just go somewhere and talk?"


We walk out the door outside where the beach is.

"What did you want to talk about Jesus?"

"Mariana found that Lexi and I am a thing."

"wow are you serious right now Jesus you brought me out here to talk me about your girl friend, you are a jerk did you know that I thought you wanted to talk to me about something else but you know what I wish that I never met you Jesus and don't talk to me ever again."

I walk off on him and that's when I see Callie running off I don't want to go after her I just want to leave and hangout with Cole. When I walk back to the door and I see Cole standing there thank god he is there so we can just leave I send a quick text to Stef telling her that I left with Cole and that I will be home later.

Before Cole and I went somewhere I needed to go home to get out of this dress, thank god I have Cole here with me I would have gone crazy with all of this stuff going on with Jesus and Lexi I just don't want to be around that at the moment.

So I have changed into I walk back out to the car so we could leave and go somewhere that's nowhere near Jesus and his face because if I see it after what happened I would punch him in the face but at the face time he might win with what he has.

I look out the window to see where we are and we at the café that we went to when we skipped school, I don't know what it is about this place but it makes me feel happy we get out of the car and walk into it I wonder what I am going to get even th...

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I look out the window to see where we are and we at the café that we went to when we skipped school, I don't know what it is about this place but it makes me feel happy we get out of the car and walk into it I wonder what I am going to get even though I ate at the party I just want some ice cream don't know what flavor but all I know that is I want it and I am going to get it no matter what. We take a seat and get the menu and there are so many things to choose from and then I see the ice cream and there is so many but I think that I will go with the cookie dough ice cream.

Once we get our food I start eating trying to get my mind off everything, I know that Cole wants me to talk about it but at the moment I don't think that I can because it would make me sound like a little girl that got her toy taken way and I don't want to be like that at all because it is not who I am.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No not really."


"Because I don't want to be one of those girls that cry over someone that doesn't really care about you."

"Yeah I guess that's why I don't date."

"Yeah what made you not want to date?"

"Do you want to know?"

"Yes that's why I asked you."

"there was this girl her name was amber, she was the prettiest girl that I had ever met, we had been together for a little while and that's all it took for me to fall for her, but one night we did it and the next couple days she wouldn't go near me and that's when I found out that she was cheating on me with my so called best friend."

"Cole I am so sorry."

"No its okay, I got over it she moved and he never came back so I don't know if they are together or not but I am happy just being by myself."

"I wonder if they have any jobs here."

"You know that you are too young to get a job right."

"No I am not just me drawing or something."

I am not going to ask if they have any jobs not now I will need to talk to Stef and Lena but who knows what they are going to say. We finish our food and we pay for what we got and left now he is taking me home great now I am going to see him but I know that I have to go in so they don't worry about me I walk through the door and the only people that are in the living room are Stef and Lena and I think that they might be a little mad at me for coming home so late.

"Sorry for coming home so late."

"No sweetie that's okay we knew that you were with Cole so it's okay why don't you go to bed." Says Stef

I walk up the stairs and go into the bathroom where I have my PJ's so I could get changed thank god tomorrow is the weekend, once I am changed I go into my room so I could get some sleep I wonder what is going to happen over the weekend. I walk over to my bed and hop in Jesus not talking to me because he is a sleep thank god for that, at first the bed is freezing but I wait for it to warm up, when it does I fall asleep quickly.


Here you go guys another chapter but please don't hate me for what happened between Jasmine and Cole only for a little while but Jesus and Jasmine will get together but i don't know when just have to wait and see. 

So please tell me what you think about this chapter and what you would like to happen other then Jesus and Jasmine being together because it will happen okay 

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