Chapter Five: Getting to know Cole Walker

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Jasmine P.O.V

I wake up with the sun shining though my window of my room, I get out of bed to see what I should wear for the day. I got to the bathroom so I could have a shower and do my hair. but when I get to the door I hear the shower running great it might be Mariana and she takes forever to get of the bathroom, then what would be the point in doing that but I need to do all of the normal stuff. I knock on the door

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!?" I hear it sounds like Jesus.

"Can you please hurry up so I can go in there please I need to get ready."

"Yeah I will be out in a minute okay jasmine."

"Yeah that's fine."

I walk back to my room to get everything ready then the door opens and there is Jesus only in a towel and I can't help but stair at his abs but I stop because that would end every badly because I could be taken away and I don't want that again. I walk out the room and before anyone gets in the bathroom I walk in, I turn the shower on, I put my hair in a messy bun and begin to take off my clothes.

20 minutes later...

I am out of the shower I dry off and start to do my hair I curl my hair, once I am done with that I start to get ready I put my blink 182 top with some short shorts with my vans and walk out of the bathroom and walk into the kitchen so I can have some breakfast. When I get down stairs I sit down at the table to have some pancakes and eggs.

We are done with breakfast and we all get into the car to go to school. Once we get to school we all go our spate ways. I go down to the beach so I could draw I put in my headphone to listen to music while I am sitting there I think about what going to happen with everything with this house are we going to being staying here for a while or are we going to be placed into another foster home.

I get my sketch book out of my bag and start to draw whatever came to my head but for some weird reason I feel like someone is behind me, but knowing me it's mostly going to be nothing. Then there was a presents next to me it would probably be Emma or someone else, but when I turn my head I see some one that I thought would be there its Cole.

"Hey Cole what are you doing?"

"Nothing saw you sitting here by yourself and I thought I would come down here to see what you were doing."

"Well I am just sitting here thinking about stuff with things that are happening in my life."

"Yeah I get that I think I sit out here to get my mind off stuff too."

"It feels like the whole world is against me and I have no clue what or how to stop it."

"I guess life is hard sometimes, but there are people out there that who can get you though the toughest times."

"Yeah there is."

I smile I am sort of glad that I'm talking about this is a way.

"Do you want to hang out today; it is okay if you don't want to?"

"No I would like to tell you the truth I don't have any friends at the moment."

He nods at me with a big smile he is getting up, I know that is my time to put everything away and get up with him. We are walking to where ever he is taking me but when I am looking around everyone is staring at me and Cole yeah I get it I am new here stop looking at me funny.

"Cole, what are they staring at us for?"

"Well I am classed as a bad boy and the girls sort of want me and they don't like it when another girl is with me."

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