Chapter Nine: All I want is you.

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A/N I would like to give a shout out to @haley10292002 for this Jesus said maybe I wanted to be your first kiss she kisses him and then she pulls back and said if this makes u feel better I slap him for kissing me because I like u Jesus nobody else just you and then she kisses him again I am going to do that but still a little different.

Jasmine's P.O.V

Wait a second did he just say that? Like come on he is Lexi she is better than me, but I know I have to do this even though he has her I know that this in my head is a good idea so I am going to take a chance. I put my hands on his cheek and begin to lean in I know that this is wrong but I know that its right in my head I place my lips on his and kiss him at first he doesn't kiss me back but then he starts to kiss me back. Then I pull away why? Don't ask.

"Just to let you know I slapped him for kissing me because it didn't feel right..."

Before I could even finish my sentence he grabs my face and kisses me wow, even though this is only my second kiss ever it was the best one yet. What does this mean? I need to know if Lexi and him going to keep their relationship or not. Then he pulls away my eyes are still closed but I slowly open them with a smile on my face.

"What are we going to do Jesus?"

"I don't know yet."

"We are going to have to figure it out."

"You don't think I know that okay, we will have to wait and see what will happen."

Well I need to figure out what the hell I am going to do I don't want to get out of this house but as well I want to be with Jesus, he double checks if anyone is there, why is he doing that? I guess that if we want something we are going to keep it more on the down low then Lexi and him but I want him to be happy but I don't know whether or not it's with me or her.

Now I am standing here thinking about what the hell I am going to do with all of this. I walk out of the hiding place and walk to my locker to get my English books I see Mariana and I know that I am in her class I walk up to her.

"Hey is it okay if I can sit with you guys in English?"

"Yeah its fine." Mariana says

Thank god that I have someone to sit with or I would feel like a loner but I guess that I already am. We walk into class we take our seats. For me English is great love reading the great Gatsby while everyone doesn't love to read as much as I do it makes me to another place like my drawing.

I am listing to timothy and what he is talking about, but then I start getting a headache which really hurts like its unbearable. I think that it is only because I am freaking out about the Jesus thing, my phone goes off I pull it out of my pocket to check who it is

From; Jesus

Meet me at my locker.

To; Jesus

Yeah sure let me get out of class

I put my phone back into my pocket, I raise my hand ask if I could go to the bathroom Timothy gave me the bathroom pass, I leave the class room I walk really fast so no one sees me not going to the bathroom, then I get pulled into a dark corner again, I know its Jesus.

"If we get caught we can get into trouble."

"Yeah I know but I wanted to see you."

"Well you will see me later we do live together."

"Yeah, but we aren't allowed to you know there."

I rap my arms around his neck, teasing him thinking what he is thinking.

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