Chapter Thirteen: Cole meeting the family

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Jasmine's P.O.V 

The next day...

I wake up from the noise of my alarm clock; I get out of bed to get changed because Jesus is still asleep so I could get changed in the room

I wake up from the noise of my alarm clock; I get out of bed to get changed because Jesus is still asleep so I could get changed in the room

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I walk down the stairs into the kitchen to get some breakfast; Stef and Lana are at the table talking I take my seat next to Stef.

"hey love we are having a little get together with our friends, just thought we should let you know if you wanted to ask Cole to come over so we can meet him properly he can."

"Yeah that would be great thank I will give him a text later."

I start to eat my breakfast with them and one by one everyone started to walk up and walk into the kitchen and once everyone was wake I was already done with my breakfast so I could text Cole and help set up for today and just hoping that Lexi isn't coming today, her and Mariana aren't friends at the moment and Jesus and I aren't really talking because of the whole thing with him and I so that won't be at all weird with the whole situation.

I walk back into my room to of course talk to Cole about today and to draw until they needed the help with anything. Thank god Cole can come today I don't want to be alone well I won't be alone I will have Mariana but I know that she will be by herself so Cole and I will try to cheer her up what is friends for? 

I get to the door of the room I wonder if Lexi is coming today but at the same time I don't really care at this point I need to stop thinking about them and everything that has happened in the past couple of days I need to stop thinking about him and her I need to get over him but I don't how to get over something that never happened in the first place. I get out my phone so I could ask Cole about today not like he would have anything on like come on.

To Cole:

Hey do you want to come over today my foster moms are having this party thing and they wanted to know if want to come?

From Cole:

Hey yeah I would love to come got nothing else better to do anyway.

I put my phone down and draw 

(A/N I didn't draw this found it online so I don't own  this picture) 

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(A/N I didn't draw this found it online so I don't own  this picture) 

I look up to see the time and I think that I better go down stairs to see if they want any help with anything before people start to show up, when I get down stairs I see that everyone is helping with the setting up and we look like a family which a really good thing.

"Hey do you need help?"

"Yeah honey you can go to the dining area and help put the food out okay, and what time is Cole coming?" says Stef

"Cole will be here soon he had to do some stuff before coming I hope that you don't mind."

"no honey we don't mind if he comes earlier I wouldn't mind getting to know him."

I nod and take some food out to where I was told then I keep on going back and forth doing different jobs to keep myself busy before Cole gets here.  I get a text from Cole saying that he is here and thank god that he is because I was over seeing him. I walk outside so I could hug him and have a little talk before we go into the house. 

Once we get inside the house Mariana runs up to us and gives Cole a massive hug, she might hangout with us today because her fight with Jesus and Lexi and how they are together and there was some horrible things said about her by her twin and her so called 'best friend' didn't say anything to stop him but I cans see why she is so upset with the both of them. 

We take a seat at the table with Lena making the food while everyone else is in different parts of the house which could be a good thing so everyone is not in the one room with all of the tension that is going on in the house with Mariana and Lexi and Jesus and then there is me with Jesus and I which no one else knows about whats happened but Cole to tell the truth after that I don't really know what it means because he is the one that kissed me and I don't know if he was doing it to make Jesus jealous, but to be honest I don't have a clue how boys act and what they think I have never ever had a boyfriend or anything like that Cole was my first kiss, I had no clue what the hell I was doing at all. 

Cole and I are walking around the house to keep our self's busy and we are trying to get in anyone's way, when we walk into the kitchen and Mariana, Lexi and Jesus  are in the room but something has happened because I can see how angry Mariana looks well if I was her I would be too but I am angry but not at Lexi of course I am mad at the fact that Jesus led me on. Cole and I walk out of the kitchen to get out the situation. But not before Stef could take Cole away to talk to him about god knows what lets hope it's nothing about SEX. 

Not long after Cole comes back I am going to ask what they talked about. 

"So what did you and Stef talk about?"

"I can't tell you."

"Are you kidding me just tell me."

"She told me not to tell you."

"when have you not told anyone anything?"

"Since Stef asked me not to."

"Okay was it about SEX?"

"Why do you say it like that."

"Say what like that?"

"Say sex like it is gross and a bad thing to do."

"Well I wouldn't know."

"Yeah I know that okay, but no that is not what she talked about, guess what I am not going to tell you what she said."


Here you go guys, 

Sorry I haven't update in so long but I have been busy with school and work and the sad thing in my life is that I do not have Wifi at the moment but it is getting fixed but tell me what you think of the chapter by commenting and I AM SO HAPPY WITH THIS BOOK BECAUSE OF  THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE BEEN READING MY BOOK IT HAS 3.61 READS SO THANK YOU GUYS THAT HAVE BEEN READING AND I LOVE YOU GUYS FOR READING 

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