Chapter Eleven: Happy birthday to you.

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I am up against the wall kissing Jesus I know that it is wrong but I can't help it I have never felt this like ever in my life, when I was younger seeing my mom and dad they were so in love with just one look my mom knew that he was the love of her life and I am not saying that I am in love with Jesus but I feel something I just don't want to let it go just yet, but I know that right now this has to stop. I pull away from the kiss.

"Wait, why did you stop?"

"Because you have a girlfriend and you can't make up your mind on what you want okay."

"So you don't want this anymore?"

"I don't know but I do know is that this is hurting me more than anything."

"I am sorry for that."

"Yeah well it doesn't feel like it okay, I have to go okay we both need to do stuff to get ready for yours and Mariana's birthday party."

I walk off I need to finish getting ready for their party where I have to sit and watch Lexi and Jesus hook up in secrete which is going to make me want to throw up. I walk into Mariana and Callie's room so she could do my makeup and hair.

"Okay I will do your make up then we can do your hair and I was thinking about having it down and curled."

"Yeah it sounds good."

"Hey you know that you can invite Cole to my party if you want to."

"Are you sure, like you don't have to."

"Yeah I know but you're my sister and I want you to have the best time."

"Thank you so much."

"Now text him about it."

I pull out my phone and text Cole to see if he wanted to come and if he did to meet up at the house so Stef and Lena could meet him, thank god she is letting me invite someone to her party because I will not know anyone there I don't have that many friends and I am glad that she is letting me do this and for treating me like I am a part of her family which is really good.

Thank god I get a text back saying is can come and what to wear, well he has to wear a suit so I send him what to wear and what time he should get to the house and all the other stuff that is important but not the part that I have to wear a dress and he is going to see me in one oh my god I am so freaking out right now.

My makeup and hair is done thank god for that I need to get out of this room because just got a text from Cole saying that he was here and I had to go down and meet him, I walk down the stair and see him in his suit and he looks really good in a suit and I don't have the words to say it.

"Hey Jasmine you look so gorgeous."

"You look very dapper yourself."

"So what happened for me to get invited to this party?"

"Umm well Mariana wanted me to have someone."

"Well you do have your sister and you little brother."

"Wow you don't know how to take that she wanted you to be there."

I shake my head at him and then Jesus walks though the door and he sees Cole and he is a little angry I think but why is he so mad he is Lexi and I going after him but he knows that there is nothing going on with Cole and I because I have told him that but I guess the way it looks in his mind it is different. Jesus walks away without saying one word to either one of us.

"What was that about?"

"There is something happening with us and he doesn't know who he wants his sisters best friend or the messed up foster girl that has no mom or dad."

"I thought that you can get kicked out if anything happened with you and him?"

"Yeah I can but I can't help it, the way I feel is not like anything I have ever felt and when my mom and dad would be with one another it was what I always wanted."

"I am here if you need me okay."

I nod I walk out the front and I see his car thank god I don't want to be in a car and get squashed between everyone. I get the passenger door of the car and open it I get in the seat, we get to the place to where the party has been held and holy crap it is a big place. Everyone starts to walk though the door and I need to use the restroom and that's when I see it Jesus and Lexi kissing now that I see them together I know that I am going to have to put what Jesus and I to bed because I don't want to be that type of girl and that's what I am going to be  that's when I see Mariana with the tears running down her face and I knew that she just found out that her best friend and twin brother were together. That face that she had is one that you will never forget. 

She walks off and i know that she would only want her best friend to tell her why she didn't know what else happened because by the look of her face she was really upset. I don't even get time to make it to the bathroom because I don't want to be weird that I just happened to come across it, but when I begin to walk away i can hear someone calling my name and I know that it is him I just don't really want to talk to him at this point so I am going to be a good person and going to take my seat next to Cole and Jude, not say one word. 

The dance that Callie had to practice for was about to start, i hope that the dance classes that she had to take payed off because when we were younger she was the worst dancer to have ever known, by the end of that we could all go up on the dance floor and i wanted to dance but since Jude is to short for me i am going to have to get Cole to dance with me but how? I grab Cole's hand and dragged him t the dance floor.

"Jasmine I don't dance."

"Yeah but I don't care."

So he shuts up and dances with me then about ten minutes of dance i was starting to get tried so i wanted to stop which i did and the same with Cole i guess he was bored of getting so much attention from the other girls that he had to get away from them all. 

"Hey is everything okay Jas?"

"Yeah I think so."

"You know Jesus is an jerk if he didn't pick you."

"Yeah and why's that."

"Because any guy would be lucky to have you as his girlfriend."

"Why are you saying this?" 

"I guess you bring it out of me."

I lean in to kiss him and I am a little happy when he leans in too, then I feel the softness on my lips. 


Hey guys here is another chapter for you, please don't hate me on the ending I wanted to wait a little longer until bringing Jesus and Jasmine together because I want other things to happen like Jesus having sex with Lexi and the factor of Jasmine dating someone else before dating Jesus. 

So tell me what you think of this chapter okay. 

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Love you guys

Jessi xxx 

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