Chapter Twenty-eight: The dance.

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Jasmine's P.O.V 

So it has been about a month since I met Jasper and things are going really well I like him. What I can tell he likes me too, we talk all of the time, we have been out on dates and we have even been on a double date with Lily and Cole which was really fun. WhenJasper kisses me there is butterfly's which makes me happy. We still haven't had the talk about us being official couple yet. I would like to go to the school dance which I would like to go to the dance with him but he still hasn't asked me. I know hat he doesn't go to our school anymore but I wouldn't mind being asked to the dance. I get out of my bed and walk to the bathroom just in time because I knew that Mariana would be up soon. I do my hair, make up and I change into the clothe that I am going to wear for the day. 

I walk down stairs to go get breakfast I can my seat at the table and start to pour some juice in a cup I put the juice down when the cup is almost full

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I walk down stairs to go get breakfast I can my seat at the table and start to pour some juice in a cup I put the juice down when the cup is almost full. I get a bowl and grab the cereal and put some in the bowl then the milk and start to eat it. Everyone started to slowly to come down to the kitchen and take their seat at the table. Mariana takes a seat next to me and smiles at me, she is the only one that knows the thing with Jasper I talk to Mariana about a lot of things and this is one of them. Mariana helps me out with most thins that happens in my life. The only people that have an idea about the whole Jasper situation is Jasper, Mariana, Cole, Lily and me. The only reason why I haven't told Callie is I don't want her to tell me who I can and can't be with knowing her she would like to tell me that I would be making a bad decision. 

We are all done with our breakfast and we all get into the car to go to school. The car ride to school was quite and packed, no one really talked to each other Brandon and Callie aren't really talking or together anymore after the funeral of Brandon's grandfather I saw them talking and crying that day so that might have mean't that they broke whatever they had with one another. Once we get to school I am so glad to be out of the car. Mariana and I walk into the school to find Cole, we are walking to find where Cole is knowing him he would be with Lily. 

 Once we find him and he is with Lily, I find them to be cute; they make each other happy which is a good thing because he derives to be happy with everything that has happened in his life. I just wish that with somebody and by somebody I am hoping that it would be Jasper I wouldn't know until he asks me out or to the dance. I hope that I can have what Cole has because everyone has the right to be happy. 

"Hey Cole and Lily." I say 

"Hey guys." Lily says 

I have some classes with Lily, I haven't had the chance to get to know her which I would like to know her more due to her dating my best friend. Cole has the right to have a happy relationship and he would want the same for me. Mariana, Lily and I have math together the bell is we leave to our lockers to get our stuff. We walk to our classroom we all take a sit in our seats and the teacher tells us that we have to do which was some of the questions on the bored and some that are in our textbook. I feel something going off in my pocket, I reach into my pocket and grab my phone I unlock my phone to see that I have a text and it is from Jasper and it told me to meet him on the beach at brake, I wonder why he wants to meet me on the beach I tell him okay. 

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