Twenty-Seven: asking dates to the dance.

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(A/N hey guys normally I don't have an authors note at the start of the chapter but I thought that I could change a few things since I haven't done the dance yet, but have put Emma and Jesus in a relationship I thought that I would make it like they are together in the dance and Jasmine is the one in need of help and stuff like that I hope that you guys don't hate me thought I should let you know: by the way this chapter isn't about the dance it is going to be were they ask people to the dance. The end) 

Jesus' P.O.V 

It has been a while since I told Jasmine about Emma and I, she still hasn't really talked to me at all about how she is thinking, I know that she hates me because to her I lead her on, in some sort of way I think that I might have, and her not talking to me shows that I must have really hurt her and I didn't want to do that. Emma and I have been together for a little while and things are good with her, but every time she comes over she feels so bad because she was friends with Jasmine before she started a relationship with me but she thinks that her friendship with Jasmine is over. 

I get out of my bed and I start to walk to the bathroom, on my way to the bathroom I see Jasmine still asleep she looks so pretty when she is sleeping, why am I thinking that? I have a girlfriend, I shouldn't be thinking about this. I walk into the bathroom and start to get ready for the day, I put on my clothes that I have picked out for the day. 

I walk out of the bathroom back into my room

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I walk out of the bathroom back into my room. I go over to my part of the room to get some stuff so I can get ready for school, when I walk back over I see Jasmine getting up, she looks at me and just walks away I get that she doesn't want to talk to me, I hate what's going on between us I remember when I first told her I loved her, now she thinks that was all a lie, when I think about Jasmine and I, I feel bad for what I did to her and to what we had done together I thinks that she just wants to shut it out. 

When I was with Jasmine, it was hard because we didn't want to get caught like Brandon and Callie did and I know Jasmine was worried about that for the most part of us being together, but when I am with Emma she understands things better and she was the one that helped me end things with Lexi and I know that it sounds bad but I am glad to have Emma as my girlfriend because I don't have to hide my relationship with someone that I care about. I walk out of my room to see Mariana, I know she is going to say something about hurting Jasmine the way that I did. 

"You know you shouldn't bring Emma here when Jasmine is around." she says 

"Why do you care so much Mariana, its not your problem." 

"Yeah its not, but you are hurting her so you can get over her, you know that you are not going to be able to shake this feeling you know that right." 

"Just because your relationship with Zach isn't going to last long doesn't mean you have to get in the middle of mine okay." 

I look at how hurt she is. 

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