Chapter Ten: What do you want from me?

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  (A/N: Hey guys I have been getting comments on getting how I messed up the ages of Mariana and Jesus and I am sorry about that so I am going to change it, But I thought I should explain myself I just messed up I generally thought that its was 14 not fifth teen and I am sorry for that.)   

Jasmine's P.O.V 

Tomorrow is Mariana and Jesus birthday and their party and Callie is a part of the court whatever that is I have no clue what that means all I know is that Callie has to dance and there is one thing that I know is that Callie can't dance to save her life, while I am at it, Jesus and I still haven't spoken since what happened at school but he does try and talk to me but I just don't give him the time of day, so today is the day that I have to wear a dress, why? Don't ask me it's a formal wear to this party so Mariana thought that I would be a great idea to take me shopping for a dress to their party.

So Mariana, Lena and I were walking though the shop for a dress that I might not wear again but who knows I might go to the dance or sell it but I don't know yet, and that's when I found the dress Mariana grabbed the dress for me to try on I know that I might cost so much but I don't want them t buy it for me if it cost too much, I go into the changing rooms to put the dress on and I fits perfectly, I know that I have to walk out there to show them what it looks like but to tell the truth I am a little scared the last time I wore a dress it was black and it was to my mom funeral and it was a little while ago.

I walk out of the dressing rooms to so Mariana and Lena the dress and what it looks like on, when I walk out I put my head up high because I should be happy that I have people that care about me, and that makes me happy, when I get out there I see Mariana Lena and Stef and they all have smiles on their face; seeing them out there with a smile makes me feel loved and cared for.

"You look so beautiful." Says Mariana

"Thank you."

"So is this the one that you want honey?"Says Lena

I nod with a smile on my face but I know that it is way too much for them to buy I don't want them to pay so much money on a dress for a party, I go back to the dressing rooms to change back to what I was wearing before, after I am done with that I go back to where they were and I got to put the dress back but I get it taken off me by Lena.

"Honey we are going to buy the dress."

"But I might cost a lot and I don't want you guys to pay so much for one dress."

"Honey its okay we can afford it, you don't need to worry about money."

We walk to the cash register to pay for the dress, I stay far behind because I don't really want to hear how much it cost, then get handed a bag with the dress in it, I look to see Mariana with a smile on her face.

"I am going to do your make up tomorrow okay."

I nod we leave the mall to go the car, when we get home before we get out of the car I need t say thank you for the dress.

"Lena I wanted to say thank you for the dress."

"Honey no that's okay."

We all get back into the house I take the dress straight to my room so I could hang it up so there are no wrinkles on it, I hang it up in the wardrobe and I was about to walk out of the room but I walk into someone and I know who it is but I don't look up I move out of the way so he could walk though and get out of the way.

"Are you going to talk to me again like ever?" Jesus asks

"I don't know am I?"

"Come on Jas, you are going to have to talk to me sooner or later and it would be better if we talk now then you keep being mad at me for something so stupid."

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