Chapter Three: Getting settled in

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Jasmine's P.O.V
We all get home from school, which wasn't that bad but at the same time it wasn't that good either sometimes being the new kid is hard and I guess I'm a little over being the new kid, every time we get placed into a new home we also have to moves school. The worst thing I think is that you can't get attached to anything because the next thing you know is that you are going into a new house to live a new life which sucks.

Once we all walk in the door everyone goes different ways like the plug has came back, I walk out to the back yard to have some time alone and think about what will happen to us, will we stay? Will we be put into a new home? Or would we get spilt up? To tell you the truth I have no clue what will happen to us but for me I hope that we do get to stay I wouldn't mind a family o haven't had one of those for years since everything happened.

I don't like to talk about my mom or dad to anyone it's just too hard it still hurts thinking about them, when it happened I didn't talk I couldn't my world was ripped apart and they wanted me to talk and when we got placed in our first foster home I wouldn't even talk to them and I think that might have been the reason why they didn't want us anymore.

I hear in the background the back door open I turn my head to see who it was. It was Jude he just smiles at me and gives me a hug like he read my mind, this is what I needed no talking just something to make me happy and it did.

We both walk back inside to see if anyone needs help with anything.

"Hey do you guys need any help?" I ask Lena

"Yeah you can, you can cut some vegetables while Jude sets the table."

I walk to the bench to where the vegetable were lying I begin to peel and cut the range of vegetables Lena is a great cook she makes everything from starch without help from anyone, I wonder how she does it? Before this family Jude and I would have to make the dinner and clean up after it.

1 hour later....

So everything for dinner is done and dinner is ready, everyone is sitting around the bench/table that's in the kitchen, everyone is quite like dead silent no one has anything to say, the person I thought would talk the most would have been Mariana but she hasn't said one word to anyone.

So we just sat there eating.

"So Jasmine Lena tells me that you like to draw is that something you would like to do when you get out of school?" Stef asks me

I have to think for a minute because I don't really know if I would like to draw as a career.

"I don't know I think I would like to, it also might be hard to find something with drawing."

"Yeah but if that's something you love we can help you?"

"Thank you that would be great."

By the time dinner ended everyone went back to their lives, not so long after dinner ended Stef and Lena asked us all to come into the family room, one by one they all come into the room. Stef this the one to start the conversation

"Everyone, grab a seat there is something we need to talk about obviously." Says Stef

"Stef and I had our meeting with bill, and we have come to a decision and we are not in a position to give Callie, Jasmine and Jude a home forever".

"But we would like you guys to feel safe until bill does find you a home."

"It could be a week or it could be a year, we just don't know."

"Yeah we just want it to be your last waste station ever, ever okay?"

"So that means we have to you guys out of the living room, I think you will be okay to camp out there one more night, I having some beds delivered tomorrow so guys let's help them get settled in."

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