Chapter Eight: What were you thinking?

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A/N I would like to dedicate  this to @haley10292002 for this idea of I think that in the next chapter jasmine pull away and slaps Cole in the face for kissing her because she kinda has feelings for Jesus and wanted Jesus lips on her instead of Cole and she say to Cole that she likes Jesus not Cole please make that happen thanks update please thanks. so that is what i am going to do but add a little twist to it.

Jasmines P.O.V 

When he was kissing me I know that it is wrong I know that I have done something to make this stop. So I slap him, when he pulls away he gives me a weird look.

"You know that the kiss was only to put your foster sister in her place right not like it means anything?"

"Yeah I guess, but that was my first kiss I would have liked some kind of warning, and I don't think I like you like that, I think that I have some kind of feelings for Jesus but I know nothing can happen because I can get into trouble."

"Well then we will have to wait and see I guess because I am not going to let you do that if you can be kicked out."

I just nod not wanting tothink about it anymore because I know that foster siblings can't form anyrelationship with feelings for them they can b set in the high part of thefoster system and could be put into a group home and they normally don't getfostered out again until the age out 

We are walking down the hall to go to our art class when I see Jesus out of the corner of my eye, we haven't talked since we had that fight in the car and I don't think we will be talking again soon, I hate when I fight with people it feels like that I have lost a little of them when we make up but I guess I will have to wait and see with Jesus.

When we get to class we take the seat we were in last time; this time the real teacher shows up and we begin to finish off our art work from last time, half way through the class and I need to go to the bathroom like really bad but I don't know if I want to put my hand up, but I really need to go.

I have the pass so I could go to the bathroom, but when I walk in there I see Jesus and Lexi making out in the girls bathroom, what the hell do I do walk in so I could use the bathroom or just walk back out? I feel a bit weird just standing here though I guess I am going to leave. I walk out the door I need to walk a little faster but someone grabs my hand and pulls me somewhere no one can see us, when I look up I see Jesus what does he want?

"Um what you saw in there was only..."

"Jesus you don't need to tell me okay, I just needed to use the bathroom okay."

I was about to walk off but he stops me again, but he stops me again.

"What do you want Jesus I need to go back to class?"

"Why do you care so much?"

"I don't okay, can I go now?"

"No you can't not until you tell me why this makes you so angry."

"Because I think I might have feelings for you!"

he has a shocked face now that I have told him I think I need to go so I leave with him to think because we both know the rules, when I get back to class I hand the teacher back the bathroom pass and take my seat.


30 minutes later... 

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