Chapter Twenty-nine: adoption day.

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Jasmine's P.O.V

It has been a couple of days since the dance after Callie was announced that she was queen, it was all down hill from there, Callie was accused of providing alcohol to the students so that she could win which wasn't true well for all I knew anyway but they did get to the bottom of it. Brandon had owned up to buy the drinks with a fake ID so he could get back at Callie for running away with Wyatt that he also broke into the school to make and sell the fake ID'S Brandon was taken by the police. The dance got worse for Mariana Zack and her had to leave the dance because Zack's mom has a dementia where she gets confused on who she is taking to or where she is which happened at the dance that night also made Zack realise that he couldn't take care of his mom on his own that he needed some help from professionals which had to end up in him moving in with his dad and that meant that Mariana and him had to end things before they even started what could have been a great relationship for the both of them. 

However my night was really good Jasper and I want to go for a coffee after the whole Brandon being taken away in a cop car, I love that night to me it was one of the best days of my life and I wouldn't change a thing well I would change the whole situation between Brandon and Callie but... my night was good with Jasper. 

Tomorrow is the day of my adoption which is great because Jude, Callie and I will be apart of a family again. Today Jasper is going to take me to his place which I am sort of freaked out about because I have no clue if anyone is going to happen but Jasper know's that I haven't done anything other than kissing someone and he isn't like that, I know that he does live with his family still and whom I have't met yet, what if he was taking me to meet his parents I am not really ready to meet them.

"Hey are you taking me to meet your parents?" I ask Jasper who's next to me in his car

"No my family is out for the day, do you remember when I was at band practise one day and you wanted to meet them?" he says

"Yeah of course I remember, why?" I ask

"Well that's what is going to happen today."

Oh my god I am going to meet more of Jasper's friends this is going to be so cool, I have never ever been to a band practise before, I have no clue what to do, I think that Jasper might have cough on how nervous I must have been due to the fact that he had grabbed my hand for comfort. I look up at him and he takes his eyes off the road for a second we smile at one another then Jasper puts his eyes back on the road, it doesn't take us long to get to Jasper's house. The car comes to a stop we both walk to the front door of Jasper's house he opens the door with his keys obviously 'Someone's Little Sister' here yet, Jasper and I walk through the door. We both make our way to the garage to wait for the rest of the band to show up, I don't know when they will be here.

 Jasper starts to play a little bit on his drums, he is really good I'm sitting here watching him play when I hear a car doors shut that means that they are here, they walk through the garage door, I am so nervous I have no clue what I am going to do or say. I hope that they like me, both of them stop I have no clue which one is which because they are both sort of boy names but there is only one boy other than Jasper of course.

"Hey guys this is Jasmine my girlfriend." Jasper says

"Nice to meet you Jasmine I am Lou it is finally nice to meet you, Jasper doesn't shut up about you it is a little sickening." Lou puts out her hand for me to shake which I gladly take.

"Hey Jasmine,I am Matt nice to meet you I see you around school with Cole all of the time." Matt says

Okay now I am not so nervous because I have gotten to know them a little but if things go well with Jasper and I I night get to know them more and more. They start to get ready to setting up the guitars for Matt and the mic for Lou and Jasper is sitting in his chair at the drums trying to get comfortable I don't really know what type of music that they play but I cannot wait to find out. The music that they, I really like it I am sitting here bopping my head are playing is so good once they ready they start to play and trying so hard not to dance due to the fact that I can't dance to save my life. A couple of songs later they officially finished band practise, we all go into Jasper's house to get something to drink and eat well for Jasper because he is hungry but to be honest Jasper is always hungry, we all hung out together for a little while but then they all left. Now it is time for me to get home Jasper and I get into the car so he can drive me home today was a good day I am so glad that Jasper invited me today.

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