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Summer's pov:
“SUMMER GET UP” , I heard my mum yelling at from my outside my bedroom door.
“IM UP”, I yelled back so she stop annoying me.
I heard nothing after, and sighed, slumping back down onto my warm, comfy bed.

Five minutes later, I was waken again, but this time by my little brother, Mason, running into my room, with his cute little onesie on.
“Summer Summer! Mama said to get up for school now!” He said in his cute little five year old voice.
I smiled, and got up this time, picking him up, and putting him on my lap.

“Ok I'm up now”, I smiled to him, he give me a toothy smile, giggling, and jump off my lap, and down the stairs.
I chuckled, and stood up from my bed, I walked over to my bathroom, and decided to take a shower before school.

I stripped out of my clothes, and turned the shower water on, waiting for it to warm up.

Oh sorry, forgot to introduce myself.
My names Summer May, I'm 17 years old, and about to finish high school.
I have long brown hair, but I dyed the bottom of it, so ombre hair, the falls right under my chest, and I have hazel eyes, mixed with green in them.

I have one little brother named Mason, and my parents, Claire and Rob. My family pretty normal, just that typical family that gets along most of the time.

My dad is the principle of my high school, and my mom is a preschool teacher, where Mason goes.
My family's really into that kind of stuff I guess you could say.. but I'm not, I wanna be a designer, if not, anything in beauty.

Well, I got into the shower, and did the normal thing people do in showers. Clean my hair, face, body.
I got out, and wrapped a towel around my body, I went over to the sink, and brushed my teeth, since I didn't get to.
I then dried my hair, and waved it with my waving wand. I applied some light make-up, and got out of the bathroom to get my outfit on.

I stood in front of my closet, and decided on a black, off the shoulder sweater, with blue jean shorts, with combat boots.
I put on my skull earring to match, grabbed my backpack, and phone, and walked out of my room, to down stairs. 

I checked the time on my phone and saw it said 7:57, school starts at 8:25, class at 8:35, so I got a lot of time.
I grabbed some toast off the plate on the table, and ate it, while drinking my juice.
“Good morning everyone”, my dad said happily, coming down the stairs.
“Morning dad”, I said back, stuffing my mouth with toast again.

“Calm down there Summer, don't choke on all that toast”, my dad joked, I smiled at him, drowning down some of my juice, finishing it off.
After my dad finished his breakfast, our whole family got into the car, as my dad dropped off my mom, and brother off at the preschool.

My dad turned the car, and we headed off to the high school.
Once we got there, I got out of the car, slamming the door shut, and walked over to my group of friends.

“Hey guys”, I smiled at them.
Hey's and hi's were coursed around, as I nodded my head and smiled at everyone. It wasn't a huge group of people, just what, other people call us, the 'popular' kids.
I didn't get why they had to label us that, but it's been like that since the begging of high school, couldn't change it.

I was in the middle of talking to my friend, Jordan, when my bestfriend Eva, came up to me.
“Hey summer”, she smiled, while hugging me.
“hey Eva”, I said back.

The bell had rung, telling everyone it was time to go in, and get to class before the next bell which rings in 5 minutes.
I walked over to my locker, opening it up, and putting my backpack.

I was about to grabbed some books when some covered my eyes with there hands.
“Guess who”, I heard a male voice say behind me. I laughed, and turned around seeing my boyfriend Harry.

He had curly hair, and green eyes, he was really cute, we have been dating for two years now, everyone says they wish to be like, and that were a 'perfect' couple, again with the label..

“Wanna go out tonight?” Harry asked me a minute later.
“Yeah sure, where do wanna go?” I asked him, closing my locker, holding my books in my hand.
“Bowling?” He asked, I nodded my head smiling, we went bowling all the time, sometimes with Eva, or a group of friends, its always fun.

“Catch up with you later, love you”, he kissed me, and walked down the other way to get to his class, as I walked to mine. 

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