Second Chance

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Summer's pov: 
Once we got to prom, Harry and I started dancing immediately. 
Surprised, I was actually having a really good time with Harry. Yes we did date, yes he did cheat on me, and yes we weren't on good terms, but it seems like none of that happened. 

It feels like we're still a couple, just being here with him, acting like old times, it was nice. 
Smiling, laughing with Harry, I liked it. 

We were dancing to about the 5th song, laughing at some things Harry said, when Eva and Sam came up to me. 
They both looked beautiful in their dresses. 

"Oh my god guys, you look amazing!" I said smiling and hugging them both. 
"Thanks Summer, you look amazing yourself", Sam said for the both of them. 
I smiled in response. 

"I'm gonna go get some punch for us", Harry said behind me, I turned my head and nodded, as he walked away. 

"Your here with Harry?" Eva said surprised. 
"Yup, I'm actually having a great time with him, who are you guys here with?" i asked, trying to changed the subject off of Harry and I. 

"Eva's my date", Sam smiled proudly, grabbing Eva's arm around hers, as Eva laughed and nodded. 
I laughed at them and nodded. 

"Better have her home at 10:00pm sharp!" I said in a deep voice, pointing my finger at Sam strictly. 
We all laughed as Harry came back with two cups in his hand.. but one of them were empty. 
He handed me the one with the punch, as I raised my eyebrows at him. 

"Got thirsty?" I said, pointing to his cup.
"Um, I may or may not have by mistake dropped it on someone", he laughed awkwardly.
I widen my eyes and started laughing.

"Your an idiot Harry", I said, still laughing.
"Gee thanks", he laughed as well. 
It was the end of the night, as Harry was driving me home. 
No doubt once I got home everyone would be asleep, it was just about 12:40.

We parked outside my house as Harry ran out the car and opened the door for me, I stepped out and smiled at him.
He walked me up to my door, as we stood there for a minute awkwardly. 

"So um, Summer I wanna ask you something", Harry said, looking up at me.
"Oh, uh sure", I said, waiting for him to continue. 
"I know you might not trust me anymore, hell I wouldn't trust me anymore. And I know that I acted like a really big douche bag, but do you think you could give us another chance?"

I looked at him with widen eyes, my mouth wide opened the say something, but nothing would come out. 
"Harry I-"
"Summer please?" He asked with pleading eyes. 
I sighed thinking about this. 
Maybe I should? 

"I need time to think Harry", I finally said. 
He nodded his head and stepped close, kissing my forehead, turning and leaving. 
I watched him get in his car and back out the drive way and leave. 

I closed my eyes for a second, and sighed again. 
Opening the door to my house, I walked in, and went straight to my room. 
A/N: :O
I did that. 

Ha, so whats up guise?! 
Sorry I haven't updated in like two weeks... oops? :-)
Seems like every time  I update I always say 'sorry for not updating for awhile' and blah blah blah. 
... oops again? :-)

Anyways, enjoy this chapter, kinda dramaish so..
Remember to vote please!

~M xox

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