I Want Him To Be Mine

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Summer's pov:
I woke up this morning, not feeling too good. Not like I had throw up feeling, but a sweaty, stomach in pain feeling. I got up from my bed, and looked in the mirror. 

Hair going in all kinds of directions, eyes are red, and my cheeks look a little red too. I frowned, and walked away and into the bathroom. 

After washing my face, and brushing my teeth, I went back into my room and changed into black pantyhose's and a maroon colored skirt. I got out a white crop top t-shirt, and to complete the outfit, my black combat boots. 

After changing, I put my hair up in a sock bun, and applied light make-up, mascara and lip-gloss, nothing more then that. 
I grabbed my phone from my bed and saw the time say '11:03', I sighed, and sat down. 

What even should I do today? I sat there thinking, and finally decided I should call Sam and Eva and see if they want to go shopping. 

Grabbing my phone again, I texted both of them in a group convo.

Summer: Hey guys
Sam: Hii
Eva: Hey
Summer: Wanna go shopping? I need to get out the house
Sam: Ha same, I'm down for shopping I guess
Eva: Sure! Meet you at the mall? By Urban Planet? 
Sam: Or the food court? Foods good too. 
Summer: Sorry Eva, gotta agree with Sam on this
Eva: lmao ok food court then, byee
Sam: see ya!
Summer: byee 

I got up from my bed, and got my back hand bag from the closet putting my mascara and lip-gloss in there, with my phone. 
I got my wallet out from the bag to check if I had any money. Nothing. 

Looks like I'm going to the bank first!
Putting my wallet away, I got my car keys, yelling a quick bye to my mum and brother, and walked out the house. 
Starting the car, I back out of the drive-way and headed to the bank. 

After I got a few pound from the ATM, I got back into my car, and headed towards the mall. 

After shopping, I got back home from shopping with Sam and Eva at around 1:45, I still have a lot of day ahead of me. 
Then again, while shopping we planned on having a sleepover tonight at my house, but they aren't coming till 3:00, so I gotta do something for the next hour. 

I decided to change out of my skirt, and into some grey Roots sweatpants, still keeping on my white crop top. 
I was just about to head to the bathroom when I heard a knock at the door. Weird, who's here? my mum and brother left for a little while. 

Confused, I looked put my window to see.. Harry standing there. 
I gasped, and bent down before he could see me. Ugh why is he here? I've been doing so much better without him around..

Closing my eyes for a second I hear another voice outside my window.. Not Harry's, but Niall's. 
I get up slowly and see Niall standing there talking to Harry. 

"Oh look who it is, Niall is it?" Harry said smirking. I rolled my eyes at him. 
"Why are you here?" I heard Niall ask Harry, ignoring is comment from before. 

Harry out his hands up in mock surrender, laughing. 

"Didn't know I couldn't come here and talk to MY ex-girlfriend". I actually laughed this time, slapping my hand over my much to prevent them from hearing. 

"She doesn't want to talk to you", I heard Niall defend me, I smiled hearing this. 
"And how would you know?" Harry ask, I could just hear all the cockiness in his voice. 

"Because I'm her best friend, I would know, Unlike her cheater of a boyfriend", He spat at Harry. 
"She cheated on ME first with YOU", He exclaimed, getting pissed now. 

I rolled my eyes once again, he's still on that! I didn't fucking cheat on him with Niall! 

"Think what you want to think Styles, but Summer did not cheat on you, she has a pure, honest heart for the one shes loves, I just can't believe she ever loved you", Niall said. I gasped at his words, that was actually the sweetest thing I've heard. 

"I will think what I want, and I think she cheated on me with you", Harry said after, ignoring everything Niall said. 

"Your an idiot Harry. Summer never deserved this, shes trustworthy, honest, beautiful girl that should be treated like a queen not a slave", Niall said. 
This time I actually let a tear fall down my cheek. I can't believe he actually said that, and I know he meant it too. 

I took a deep breath and looked out the window once again, seeing Harry get right into Niall's face laughing. 

"And you think you can treat her like that? Be her 'king' ".
Niall then pushed him back and walked away, I frowned, I guess that meant no, he didn't believe he could. 

I closed my eyes and sighed, while walking away and into the bathroom, I don't know why, but I was really hoping Niall would have said yes.
Yes that he could treat me right, like a queen, and he'd be my king. 

And that's when I actually realized. 
I like Niall, not just 'friend' like, but more. I want to be more then friends with Niall. More then best friends that is. 

I want him to  be mine. 

A/N: Hi guise! 

I'm actually sososo sorry I haven't updated in so long, tbfh I feel horrible, bUT HERES AN UPDATE! 


haha tell me what you think in the commentssss
And remember to vote! 

~M xox

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