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Harry's pov:
After dropping Summer off at her place, instead of going home I decided to go to Niall's to apologize for the whole 'cheating' incident.

Parking on the side of the road, I put my hood up and ran up to the door.
Knocking on it, I wait a minute or two before a woman around her mid 40's opened it. Most likely his mother.

“Hi, I'm Harry, I'm here to see Niall?” I ask.
Her eyes widen, and a tear falls.

“Um sorry, he's not here, he's.. at the hospital in a coma”, she says quietly.
My eyes widen and my mouth drops open.

“Oh uh, i'm so sorry, I didn't know..”, I say, looking down.
“It's alright, go visit him if you'd like”, she sadly smiles up at me.
I nod my head and give her a small smile.

“I'm sorry again”, I say before turning around and running to the car.
I get in, and look back at the door to see her sadly smile and wave.
I wave back and started to drive away.

Getting to the hospital, I walk in, since it finally stopped raining.
Once I get in, I get a message.

Looking at my phone, I see a message from Summer.

From Summer:
guess whatt!!

To Summer:

From Summer:
I got into the University of London!

To Summer:
aw babe, that's amazing! Congrats love x

From Summer:
thanks! I gotta tell my parents now :p
talk to you later? byee xx

To Summer:
bye, congrats again xx

Once Summer had to go, I walked up to the front desk.
“Hi, I'm here to see Niall Horan?”
The woman looks up, and then looks down at her computer, typing away, “he is on floor 3, room 309”, she then says.

“Thank you”, I say quickly and run over to the elevator.
Clicking the number 3, I wait for the elevator to get up, finally opening I walk out and find room 309 easily.

Taking a deep breathe, I open the door and see Niall laying there, lifeless.
I start to frown and I walk over to Niall's bed, and sit beside him.

“Uh hey Niall, it's Harry..” I say.
I'm not sure how this works, but in all movies, apparently when someone is in a coma they can hear you.

“Yeah, I bet you thought I wouldn't come see you”, I sadly laugh.
“So I came here to apologize about accusing you on cheating, I was silly to think Summer would actually do that, and I was even more stupid to go ahead and actually cheat on her, but uh I took her to prom! And we're back together now..”

I look over at him, all you could hear was his heart monitor.
“Well that's all I wanted to say, and sorry again.. hopefully when you wake up we can start over yeah?” I say to him.

“Bye Niall”, I say getting up and walking over to the door.
I take one last glance at him and turned the handle, and walked out.  

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