The Scientist

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Summer's pov:
Niall and I spent the rest of the day helping him get ready for x-factor. I mean yeah, it wasn't for a little while, but practice makes perfect, right?

I'd watch Niall sing a few lines, than I'd join in sometimes as a joke. We end up laughing just because I was such a horrible singer, but it was still a fun day overall, and I'm really glad to be hanging out with Niall again, putting all feelings aside. 

As of now, I was in my room, with the lights off, and cuddled into my bed. I was still on my phone texting Niall, making plans to go out for lunch tomorrow. 
Tomorrow's Monday, and I finally decided to go back to school, I could give less of a crap about everyone, and whatever their saying about me. 

To Niall:
Where do you wanna eat tomorrow?

From Niall:
Anywhere is fine, how about you?

To Niall: 
How about KFC?

From Niall:
Oh, I haven't been there in awhile! Sure then, kfc it is!

To Niall:
lol yay! I'm gonna go to sleep now, nightt 

From Niall:
g'night beautiful

I read his last message, blushing slightly. 
He was honestly the sweetest human being ever, no joke.

I sighed, shutting off my phone, and plugging it into my dock, which charges it as well.
I closed my eyes, and tried to sleep, but I just couldn't?

Sighing again, I decided to listen to a song, my phone was already in the dock, so I went to my music app and chose, 'The Scientist' by Coldplay. 

(Song on the side ---->) 

"Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I'll set you apart"

I hummed along to the tune, listening to the lyrics closely.
I loved this song so much, whenever I couldn't sleep all I did was play it, and it helped right away.

"Tell me your secrest and ask me your questions
Oh let's go back to the start
Running in circles, coming in tails
Heads on a science apart"

Humming to the tune, I slowy dirft off to sleep. 
A/N: Okay, so you see this update was kinda useless, but I still did it either way.

It's kinda like a small filler chapter, since the story is ending soon, and yeaa.
But this is probably gonna be the shortest chapter I'm gonna post, all the other will be a lottt longer then this lol.

ok so, thats it, I'll try and update again soon.

~M xox

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