Liam & Zayn

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Niall's pov:
*Time jump to a week later

It's been a two weeks since I've gotten here. A week since I met Summer. A week since I've started to like her. The best part is, after we went to McDonalds that night, we've become really good friends.

We don't talk as much at school, probably because of her being 'popular' and me being, still, the new kid.
I haven't really made friends with anyone but for Summer, but I wanna change that. I can't go the whole year without friends right?

I was walking to my next class when I saw.. Liam?
That kid that was getting beat up the other day, and Harry went to go save him.

I walked over to his locker, and taped his shoulder, making him jump a little, while turing around. Once he saw me, he calmed down and smiled.

"Hey, Niall right?" He said to me.
"Yeah, hey Liam", I said leaning beside his locker, as he was starting to close it.

"What class and teacher do you have next?" He asked me, while we started walking down the halls.
"Um, history with Mrs.Riles", I told him.

"Oh, I have geography, here let me see your schedule", he asked, sticking his hand out, I gave it to him, as he looked at his, and backed to mine.

"We only have P.E. together", he said, giving back my schedule.
"Sick!", I said smiling at him, he smiled back, he was about to say something but the bell cut him off. Everyone in the halls left one by one, walking into there classes.

"As I was going to say, wanna come over today after school? My friend Zayn is gonna be there too, you can meet him!" He asked me excitedly.

I laughed and nodded my head.

"Give me your number so I can text you the address", he said, I handed him my phone, as he typed his number in.

"See after school then, bye Liam!", I said running the other way, and down the hall, knowing I'll get into shit because I'm late.

Summer's pov:
I was in music class, sitting with Carter, trying to come up with a song.

"At least write something! Jesus", Carter yelled.
I give her the finger, and kept thinking.

"I hope you know, it's not easy writing a song", I said after awhile, rolling my eyes.
She rolled her eyes as well, and went back to playing with her nails.

I sat there with a pencil in my hand, trying to think of good lyrics to come up. But all I could get was Beyonce 'Single Ladies' lyrics, and I can't copy that.

I sighed, and took my phone out, looking at some of the songs I have, seeing if it can help me in any way.

After scrolling through my phone I came up with nothing.

After a while I saw Carter on her phone, smirking at the screen.

It got me mad, because here I was trying to come up with lyric for OUR project, yet she's sitting there texting, probably one of her slutty friends.

"You know, we could be done this faster, and never work together again if you helped!" I said angry.

"Can you chill, I'm thinking", she said rolling her eyes.

"I'm so sure you are", I said.

I started humming to myself, then it clicked, I got it!

I started to write down the lyrics before I forgot them, Carter staring at me confused. Of course she's confused.

" Call up all our friends
Go hard this weekend
For no damn reason,
I don't think we'll ever change" (A/N: Yes I did use Here's To Never Growing Up, pretend for the story it's Summer's)

I smiled at my work, but now I had to keep going, ugh, this is gonna be hard.

Niall's pov
Finally it was the end of the day, I just hate school good thing it's my last year of high school.

I walked to my locker and got my stuff, I closed it, and turned around to walk away when I saw Summer standing there.

"Oh god!" I said, putting my hand on my heart.
"You scared me!" I said.

She just laughed. Oh god I love her laugh..
"Wanna hang out?" She asked, as bad as I wanted to say yes, I told Liam I would go to his after school.

"Sorry Summer, I told my friend Liam I'd hang out with him, maybe tomorrow?" I asked, hoping she'll agree.

"Oh, its okay!" She smiled.

"And sure, tomorrows sound good! See later then Niall, bye", She said hugging me, I hugged her back, she let go, giving me one last smile, and walking away.

I sighed, turning the other way, and heading out the school.

I text Liam, asking where his house was at, he answered a second later with the address, and I started to make my way to his place.

"Hey Niall, you made it!" Liam said answering the door. I smiled at him, while walking in. He had nice place.

"Niall meet Zayn, Zayn, Niall", Liam said, while a dude with black hair came out from the living room.

"hey", he said.
I waved the him, little while later things got awkward.

"Oh Niall, i wanted to ask, i didn't know you were friends with Summer May", Liam said.

"Oh, um yeah, were good friends I guess", I replied back, shrugging my shoulders.

"Summer May eh? Your lucky", Zayn then said.
"Why, cause she's popular?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Basically yeah, no one really talks to Summer, especially because of her boyfriend, Harry", Zayn replied back.

"Harry? Curly hair, green eyes?" I asked, wanting to make sure I know what guy their talking about.

"Yup", Liam nodded his head, I nodded my head.

"Harry huh.." I said.

"Yeah, he might not be so rude, but he can get really jealous, I'm surprised he hasn't met, or talked to you yet, since your always with Summer", Liam said.

"Why, what would happen?" I asked confused.
They both shrugged their shoulders.

"Probably get beat up or something, Summer is everything to Harry, or that's what he makes it seem like, who knows if he would cheat on her or not", Zayn said.

"Okay enough about them, lets play some video games", Liam said, standing up, I nodded my head agreeing.

But I was still thinking about this... Would Harry really beat me up for being friends with Summer?

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