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Harry's pov:
I drove after I dropped off Summer at her house.
As I was driving I decided to stop by at Starbucks & get something to drink.

I parked the car, and walked inside the café.
I saw how busy it was, nothing too bad, i got into line an waited for my turn.

Once it was finally my turn I started my order.
"Just one tall white chocolate mocha please", I said as I pulled out my wallet.

"That'll be £3.38", I give her the money, and finally looked up to see.. Carter?

"Carter?" I asked.
"Hi Harry", she smirked.

I didn't have anything against Carter, but Summer & Eva do..
Carter was pretty hot, but I had Summer, basically all I needed.

"Okay um.. I'll just go'n wait now.." I said awkwardly walking away to the side.
A little while later, Carter came over and give me my drink.

"Yanno Harry", she started.

"Just because me & your little girlfriend don't get along, doesn't mean we cant", she winked.

I rolled my eyes, and took my drink from her hands.

"Whatever Carter", I finally said, and walked out of Starbucks.

Summer's pov:
My alarm went off at exactly 4:00, I yawned getting up, maybe sleeping before a date wasn't the best idea..

I rubbed my eyes, and stood up from my bed, and walked over to my bathroom.

I looked the mirror to see all my make-up ruined.
I groaned out of annoyance, not wanting to go through the whole thing again, trying to fix it.

I decided to just wash all my make-up off & leave on some light lip-gloss.
I walked out of the bathroom, and to my closet.

I put on some light pink, skinny jeans, with a white, v-neck t-shirt, on the shirt was a black heart, in the middle of it, it had the word, 'love'.

I put on my white converse, and tied my hair up into a high pony tail.
Grabbing my phone, I walked down stairs.

I looked at the time to see it say '4:57', which meant Harry should be here soon.

A few minutes passed, and I heard a horn from outside the house, I rolled eyes, obviously knowing Harry wound't come to the door.

"IM LEAVING MUM", I yelled into the house.
I heard faint, 'ok', and walked out the door.

Harry's window was rolled down, he said on a white, v-neck too, with black skinny jeans.

He had his sunglasses on, with his arm out the window.

"Hey babe", he called out.
I smiled at him, and went around to the car, an got in.

"Hi", I said to him, kissing him lightly.
"Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded my head yes, and we drove down to the bowling place.

"YES, another strike, hahaha", I taunted Harry.

He was losing badly against me, I always beat him, so it's no first.

"Shut up", he pouted, crossing his arms.
"Awh baby gonna cry?" I said, making a pouty face as well.

He smirked, and kissed me suddenly, I kissed him back, and than pulled away.

"Don't try", I smirked at him, while laughing, he laughed as well, and we went back to playing the game.

By then end of the night, I had obviously beat Harry, it was quite funny actually.
Right now he was driving me home, after a long night.

Once we got there, he parked outside the house.

"See you later babe", he said, while kissing me.
I kissed him back, than we pulled away.

"Bye, love you", I said getting out.
"Love you too", he said, before I shut the door to his car, and walked up to my house.

I opened the door, and turned back around to wave at Harry.
He smiled back, waving.

I stepped into my house, as Harry drove away.

Hii everybody!
So i hope your enjoying the story, let me know in the comments!

Remember to vote as well, bc votes help.. a lot. :'P

OH, &&& if your here reading, and you read my last Liam fanfic.. I HAVE 1.3k READS!!!

I'm amazed, i remember the day I freaked over 25 reads.. like wut.

But thank you guys so much, and if you haven't read that story yet, please do! :D

Kaay thats bout it, byee!
~M xox

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