The Pictures

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Niall's pov:
It's been a couple of days and Harry and Summer are back to being all coupley and lovey dovey, I hate it.

I have been keeping my distance from Summer and I as well for a couple of days.

It just sickens me to know Harry is cheating on her, yet here's Summer wasting all her love on him, when I'm standing right here.

did I actually just think that?

I sighed, I really do like Summer.. a lot actually. I just wish she was mine, and not that lying, cheating jerk. 

But I wasn't gonna just give up with the whole trying to catch him thing. Yeah, I was wrong about the bathroom thing, but I will find a way to catch him, maybe even following Carter around I could get something out of her as well. 

It was currently the end of the day, I was just putting my binder in my backpack, shutting my locker, and walking away out to the parking lot. 
When I got out I saw.. Carter and Harry.

Yes! Finally! I could probably get something now, perfect!
I smiled an evil smile  before taking my phone out and getting the camera ready, I pressed record, and waited for something to happen for at least two minutes, but I got nothing.

I frowned a little, and decided to move up a little closer. 
I bent down behind Harry, near a car, and poked my phone out, while I watched everything from my phone.

"Yeah, so here are the notes for the class", Harry said to Carter.
"Thanks Harry, see ya a round yeah?", she smiled at him. 

He nodded his head yes, and Carter turned around, walking away, while Harry walked passed me to his car, he started it up, and just left.

All they did was talk homework and notes? 
And they traded notes?
And they didn't do any couple things.

What the fuck, seriously?! 

I sighed frustrated, and got up from my spot behind the car, dusting off my jeans, I walked over to my car and unlocked it.

"NIALL!" I heard someone yell behind me.
I turned around and saw Summer running to me in her pink sundress, with a jean vest, and flats. Her hair as done nicely, and her make-up was really light.

She was just so beautiful.
Imagine if she was mine.

I would hug and kiss her all the time, that's for sure.
I'd make her laugh.
And whenever she was upset, I would make her smile.
I wanna be the person to hold her while she sleeps.
To cuddle with her. 

But none of that can happen if she doesn't break up with her jerk face of a boyfriend.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Summer was standing in front of me snapping her finger in my face, while her other hand was resting on her hip. 
She looked at me with her eyebrows raised. 

"anyways.. wanna hang out?" She asks me.
"Sure, get in the car, we'll go to mine", I said.

She nodded her head, and run around to the other side, and got in, buckling up our belts, I started the car up, and drove back to my house. 

Summer's pov:
Niall and I were sitting in his room playing COD, I actually suck at the game, like really bad, but I still find it fun so I play it, usually with Harry and Louis.

While we were playing Zombies, online, Niall was killing and talking to people, while I died. As I was waiting for Niall to finish his game, I was on my phone texting Sam back.

As I hit sent to my text for her, I got another text, it was from an unknown number..
I looked at the number confused, but opened the text either way.

It was picture messages..
I clicked one picture, and what i saw was horrible, I couldn't even bring myself to stare at it too long.

Tears started to come out of my eyes, I brought my empty hand to my mouth, shocked.
A picture of Carter kissing Harry.
And this couldn't be fake either. 

I got a few more texts, they were some more pictures of Harry kissing on Carters neck, her nose, forehead, anything basically near her face. 
I started sobbing, I ran out of Nialls room, hearing his calls for me, and ran down the stairs and out the door.

I couldn't believe it.
So I was right.
Harry is cheating on me. 

A/N: hey guys!

ouuuu, this chapter got some drama in itt, daamn Harry and Carter. 
Whats Niall gonna think now?

ah, i really hate to say this but their isn't much of this story left. Probably about 10 or 12 chapter, idk somewhere around there.
Sorryy :-(

BUT HEY! At least when I finish this, I can start the squeal to my Liam story 'dear stranger', if you havent read that, go check it outt pleasee, I'm almost at 2k reads!

okie so, thats just about it.
oh and sorry for taking a couple days to post, just school and shitt.

talking and picking courses for grade nine isn't fun, but i decided on family studies and business so im kinda excited lol.

ok so yeah, comment and tell me what you think!

~M xox

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