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Summer's pov:

Niall & I have been spending a lot of time together lately.
Not that I'm complying, Niall is very sweet.

I feel like Niall is my boyfriend then Harry, I don't like Niall in that way. No no no.

It's just i'm always with him, instead of Harry, because Harry never answers me, or even try's to call me, so I don't either now.

Yesterday Niall was going to his friends house, but he did promise today we were hanging out.

I waited for the bell to ring, so I could get out of this horrid place. Finally it did, I grab my things and ran out of the class.

I got to my locker, opening it quickly, I put all my text/note books in, I got my phone and backpack, closing my locker.

To my surprise, once I closed my locker, I saw Harry standing there smiling.

"Hey babe", He said, leaning against the locker.

"Hi.." I said awkwardly.
"wanna go out tonight?" He asked.
"Sorry, I have plans", I said, starting to walk away.

Harry came in my way, towering over me.

"With who? Eva? Sam?" He asked, his eyebrows raised.

I shook my head no.

"With Niall"
"Are you like dating him now?!" Harry said, now angry.
I stepped back surprised.

"Well, your always with him, 24/7, I saw you guys the other night at McDonals, dont even try to lie!" He said, now full on yelling.

Now I became angry, he cant just assume i'm dating Niall, he's just my BestFriend.

"Why would I be cheating on you?! If anything your cheating on me! Every time I call, you never answer, whenever I ask or text asking if you wanna hang out, you never answer or say no!" I shouted right back at him.

He looked taken back, his faced soften, but then went back to mad.
He turned the other way, and walked away.

I sigh frustrated.
I turned my way, and walked away.
I took my phone out, and saw I had 6 texts from Niall.

Niall; hey where are u?

Niall; summer?

Niall; are u ok?

Niall; where are u? I'll come get u

Niall; summeeeerrr

Niall; I see u..

When I read the last text I was confused.
I looked up at the front doors and saw Niall standing there with his phone in his hands.

"Niall", I called out to him, he looked up, and smiled at me, while walking over.

I hugged him, as he hugged back. I let go, and backed up a bit.

"What happened?" He then asked, while we started to walk out the school.

I explained the whole story about mine and Harry's fight, and how he thinks i'm cheating on him with Niall.

Niall looked shocked the whole time.
"Wow what a jerk", Niall said after.
I nodded my head, agreeing.

"So what should we do?" I asked him, changing the subject.
He shrugged his shoulders.

"Wanna come over? Stay for dinner?" Niall asked me.
I nodded my head yes, we turned and started to walk to Niall's place.

We got to Niall's house, I have never been here before, so I'm basically meeting his parents for the first time.

He opened the door, and once he did, a sweet smell was wondering the house.

It smelled so good.

"Niall, your house smells nice", I laughed. He looked over at me, laughing.

"Hey mum", Niall said walking into the kitchen.

"Hello dear, oh who's this?" She asked, looking at me.

"Hi, I'm Summer, Niall's friend", I said sticking me hand out, she shook my hand.

"Hi dear, call me Maura", she said smiling, I smiled back.

"So we'll be up stairs, Summer's staying for dinner by the way", Niall said, taking my hand and running up stairs.

At dinner, I met Niall's dad & brother, his family was really sweet.

But I felt myself comparing them all to Harry's family.

Anne, Robin, & Gemma.

I couldn't help it, my mind just kept going back to our fight that afternoon.

After dinner, I told Maura how good it was, and it was the truth too.

After hugging her goodbye, and saying goodbye to Niall's brother & dad, Niall offered to drive me home, which I agreed to.

Once I was outside my house, I said goodbye to Niall, telling him I'd see him tomorrow.

I walked into house, and went straight to bed.

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