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Summer's pov:
I've been doing nothing but staying in my room crying, eating, and watching movie on Netflix. 
Wouldn't you if your broke up with your long term boyfriend, and he was cheating on you?


I haven't gone to school in two days, which isn't the best thing since it is the last year before Uni, and I should be working really hard, but can you blame me?

There's exactly a month of school left before the summer break, than I need to apply for Uni's with Eva & Sam, we're planning on buying a flat together in London. 

But as of now, that's nothing to worry about. 
I haven't even talked to Niall in a couple of days. 

I miss him. 
But I can't seem to find myself to trust anyone anymore, I guess the break up really got to me.

He's probably happily dating Carter, while making fun of me, making my popularity go down. 
Not that I actually care being popular. It's just bullshit. 

I finally got up from my bed thinking enough was enough.
I need to be moving on from Harry as well, not sit around and cry.

I got up from bed, and walked over to my bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. Like it even matters, no one was home. 

I had my phone with me, so I decided to just put some music on, it just relaxes me, yes, even while I'm in the shower. 

I went through my songs and decided on the Imagine Dragons album 'Night Visions'. 
Putting it on, I took off my clothes, and went into the shower. 

I washed my hair, and body, while singing along to 'Demons'. 
As that song finished, I was done my shower, I grabbed a towel and put it around my head, and grabbed another, putting it around my body.

I grabbed my phone, with the music still playing, and went back into my room.
It was really nice out, so I opened my window for some air, my blinds still closed, because, well, I was changing..

I went over to my closet and decided on a white flowing tank top, where the straps are small flowers, and normal dark blue jeans. 
I put on some braided sandals, and wore small heart stud earrings and a flower necklace. 

I put on some really light make-up. Some eye-liner, a little mascara, and some pink lip-gloss. 
I also left my hair naturally wavy. 

As I was done getting ready for the day, I grabbed my phone checking the time, '12:54pm', I put my phone back down, sitting on my bed, what should I do today? 

I finally decided that I should call Niall, and see how's he doing. I really do miss him.. a lot. 
I think I might like him as well..? Just a little..

But I don't even want a boyfriend right now.
Boys are nothing but idiots that break your heart, why have a boyfriend?

I sighed but called Niall anyways. 
It rang a couple of times before he answered all cheerfully. 

"Helloo?", he said, his Irish accent sticking out.
"um hey Ni", I spoke quietly. 
"ha yeaa", I said awkwardly. 

"Oh, um hows it going?", he asked, now awkward too, great.
"its good, um wanna hang out today?" I said, playing with the end of my shirt with my one free hand. 
"sure, I can meet come by your place in around.. 15 minutes?" Niall then spoke.

"Sure", I said smiling.
"See you than, bye Niall"
"Bye Summer", he said hanging up.

As awkward as that got, at least he's still coming, hopefully by then it wont be so awkward. 

Niall's pov:
After hanging up the phone with Summer, I sighed getting up from my chair, closing my laptop on my desk. 

We haven't talked in a few days, and she suddenly wants to hang out?
I guess she's finally trying to forget Harry..

I put on some grey sweats, with a white v-neck t-shirt, I got some socks on, put on a snapback and shoes, and left the house with my phone in my hand.

Summer doesn't live too far, so I just walked to her place.
As I got there, I saw no cars on the drive way, maybe her parents aren't home? 

I rang the doorbell, waited a minute until I saw her standing there.
She looked so beautiful, why can't she just be mine already? 

After a minute of staring at each other, she ran in for a hug, I hugged her back, I really did miss her hugs. 
As she let go, as did I, we both went back into her house.

There has been one thing I've been keeping from Summer for quite awhile..
"um before we do anything, I need to tell you something..", I finally spoke.

Her head turned my way, with my eyebrow raised.
"whats up?" She asked, sitting down on the couch, as I sat down beside her.
"well, I don't think you actually know this, but I sing.. and I'm trying out for x-factor..", I said looking right at her.

"X-factor?" she asked taking it in. I nodded my head yes.
'Yes, x-factor..", I said nervously. 

She nodded her head, as a huge smile appeared on her face, she jumped and hugged me.
"Niall that's amazing! Oh my god, I didn't know you can sing, what are you gonna sing?" She asked all excited. 

I laughed at her reaction, and sat back down, as did she.
"Well I can, and I'm gonna sing So Sick by Neyo", I said smiling her.

"I've been practicing for a while, wanna hear?' I ask her.
She nods her head, smiling.

I start to sing the course of So Sick, as I finished shes looking up at me with the huge smile ever.
"Niall that was fucken amazing! Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, I actually don't know why I haven't told her, I guess I didn't like telling people that much..

"Okay, well enough of that, wanna watch a movie?", I asked her after.
"sure, which one?" She replied back.
"Anything is fine". 

A/N: Haa, Niall finally told her about x-factor yay.

I'm sad to say, but there isn't much left of this story..
It's kinda just a short story, it wasn't meant to be too long, soo..

But nothing to worry about now!
Oh, and sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile, I kinda just.. forgot? idk idk.
buT I POSTED NOW! haa.

oh and happy birthday to Harry, aw he's 20, ommff. :(: 

anywayyss.. this story is almost at 100 reads, so yay! 

But yaa, there's really nothing else to saay..
Remember to vote, and comment down below what you think is gonna happen in the next chapter? ;) haha. 


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