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Niall's pov:
After me and Summer traded numbers, I was smiling like an idiot for the rest of the day.
I couldn't help it, she was just so beautiful, and nice, and I think I developed a tiny little crush on her, not like a huge one, just a small one, I want to get to know her more first.

I left starbucks, and started to walk home, so my mum wouldn't be worried.
As I was walking home I saw a alley way, it was somewhat dark, and there was only a tiny bit a light there. I walked in closer and saw.. a guy getting beat up?

My eyes widen, and I ran over to see what was happening.
It was a some big tuff guys beating up and yelling at this kid.

He had the Justin Bieber hair style, with brown eyes.
While he was getting beat up, a curly haired dude came up to them.

"HEY STOP", He yelled at him.
The buff guy just chuckled and let go of the brown eyed guy.

"And why should I?", he then asked.
Then this Harry kid, punched the buff guy, right in the nose. My widen some more, and I ran over to them before anything could get worse.

"You okay?" I asked, bending down to the brown eyed kid.
He nodded his head, standing up, fixing his shirt.

he looked over at Harry.
"Thanks", he said to him.
"No biggie", Harry then said, and walked away from us.

"I'm Niall", I introduced myself to him.
"Liam", he said.

"Are you sure your okay?" I asked him just to be sure.
"Yeah I'm fine, just need to clean up a bit, and i'll live", he joked, smiling.

I laughed, and smiled back.

"It was nice meeting you Liam", I said.
"You too, see ya around", he said, picking up his backpack and walking the other way, I turned and started to make my way home.

Summer's pov:
I was at home right now, sitting at my desk on my laptop.
I was scrolling through my tumblr blog, when my phone lit up, telling me I had gotten a new text message from somebody.

I picked it up, unlocking my phone, and went to my messages.

From Niall:
Hey Summer! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow after school? x

I smiled at his cute little text and replied back.

To Niall:
Sure, I'd love to! xo

I locked my phone, putting it down, and logged onto facebook.
Right when I signed in I had gotten a new message from my other best friend, Sam.

Sam: Hey girl
Me: Heey
Sam: Whats upp?
Me: Nothing much, did you see the new kid today? Blond, Irish.
Sam: Yeah I did! He was kinda cute.. but he's Irish? I didn't talk to him. Me: Oh.. well yeah he's Irish :p His name is Niall
Sam: That's actually pretty cool!
Me: I know right, well I gotta go do some homework, talk to you later, alright?
Sam: Kay, bye love youu
Me: Lovee you too

I then logged out, and sighed, getting up and grabbing my backpack to start my damn math homework. After about 15 minutes of trying to do it, I gave up, and instead called Harry to see if he wanted to do something.

"Hey you reached Harry, cant answer your call, leave a message though, bye!'
I sighed, pressing the end button, while flopping onto my bed.

It wasn't the first time this has happened.
I'm not trying to sound like one of those clingy girlfriends, but I would like to spend some more time with my boyfriend, then just go bowling once and awhile.

I sighed, not knowing who else to call.
I then remembered me and Niall switched numbers, I decided on calling him, seeing if he wanted to go get something to eat.

I dialed his number, praying that he answered.

"Hello?", I heard an Irish accent then say.
I smiled.

'Hey Niall!" I said into the phone, happy somebody answered this time.
"oh hey Summer, whats up?" He asked me.

"Nothing really, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go out and get something to eat?"
"Oh, I'd love to, how about I walk over to your house, and we go somewhere then?" He asked.

I mentally cheered, because I wasn't gonna sit alone in my room, bored, anymore.

"That sounds good", I said to him.
I told him my address, we said our goodbye's, and hung up the phone.
I got up off my bed, and went to change out of my pajama shorts, and tank.

I put on black skinny jeans, and a band t-shirt.
I then took out the messy bun that my hair was styled in, and brushed it out naturally. I added light lip-gloss, and grabbed my bag off the bed, putting my wallet and phone in it, and headed down stairs.

Once I was down, I heard a knock at the door, I walked over, and saw a smiling Niall there.
"Hey", he said hugging me, I hugged him back, saying hi.

I put on my black Converse, and yelled to my mum I was leaving, After hearing her say 'ok', I walked out the door, closing it behind me.

"Where do you wanna go eat?" Niall asked me.
"Anywhere is fine", I replied back.
I nodded my head, and we walked to McDonald's.

We got there, and stood in line waiting for out turn to come.
"Hi there, what can I get you guys?" The cashier asked us.

"Um I'll get a big mac, with a large chips on the side, and Summer?" Niall told the cashier, then asking me.
"I'll get a junior chicken, with a medium chips on the side", I told the cashier my order, she nodded her head, and told us the total.

I started to take my wallet out, when Niall stopped me.
"I got it", he said, I shook my head no, and took out some money.
"It's fine Niall, I'll pay for half", I tried reasoning with him.

He shook his head no, pushing my had away, giving her the money, I sighed and put my money back in my bag.
We got our food and walked over to an empty table, sat down, and started to eat.

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