The Kiss

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Summer's pov:
The day was finally over, I got all my things together and started to leave. 
Opening the front doors of the school, I walk outside to see it pouring rain, I sighed frustrated, I needed to walk home.

Grabbing my hoodie from my bag, I put up the hood and started to walk. Before I even got out of the school's area, a car came up beside, I looked over and saw the window down with Harry in it.

"Climb in", Harry says, I nod my head, opening the car door, throwing my bag in and sitting.
"Thank you", I say quietly. 
"No problem".

It was an awkward silence, with the radio playing softly with 'Lover Dearest' by Marianas Trench. 
Harry turned the corner and stopped in front of my house, taking off my belt, I was about to open the door when Harry grabbed my arm.

"Wait, did you think about what I asked you?"
I sit back and look down at my lap. 
He was looking at me, waiting for an answer.
I finally look up and kiss him. 

He kisses back, we sit there for a good minute until I pull back. 
"I take that as a yes?" 
I nodded my head smiling, "yeah". 

I kiss him once more before grabbing my bag and opening the door, running out.
Getting to the front door and turned around to look back at Harry. 
The window was down and he was laughing, I smile and wave at him.
He waves back and drives away.

Opening the front doors, I step in and sigh happily. 
That really just happened, Harry and I are back together, wow. 

Taking off my shoes, I run up to my room and jump onto my queen sized bed, and opened my laptop. 
I go to my e-mails to see if I got anything from the Uni's I applied to.

Seeing one e-mail from the University of London. 
Getting excited I clicked on the e-mail and read it carefully. 

I smiled even more when I saw it said I had got accepted.
The University of London was one of the mains I wanted to get into, they have an awesome desiging/fashion course, which I want to major in. 

I grabbed a pillow besides and screamed into it. 
It's like a dream come true.

I hurriedly grab my phone and text Harry.

To Harry:
guess whatt!!

From Harry:

To Harry:
I got into the University of London!

From Harry:
aw babe, that's amazing! Congrats love x

To Harry:
thanks! I gotta tell my parents now :p
talk to you later? byee xx

From Harry:
bye, congrats again xx

Closing my phone, I run down the stairs to tell my parents the news.

"MUM, DAD GUESS WHAT", I yell out, running into the living room.
"What?" My dad asks, looking up from some papers.
"I got into the University of London!" I cheer 
"Oh hon, congrats", my mum says, running up to me and hugging me.
"Congrats darlin", my dad says hugging me also.

"So London huh?" My dad says, after backing up from the hug.
"Yeah", I sigh, still smiling.
"Crazy right?" I continue to say.
"Crazy alright, your all grown up!" Mum says.

"Oh mum, cant we just skip the part where you start crying, then I cry, and hug it out?" I laugh.
My mum laughs and agrees with me, hugging me once again.

After talking for a bit, I go back up to my room and lay down on to my bed. 
I'm going to Uni. 

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