Mickey's Café

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Summer's pov:
After Niall and I shared that kiss, i had butterflies in my stomach, as cliche this sounds, it felts like fireworks were going off around us, sparks flew. 
And I can't be the only one to think that. 

The drive to my house was quite, not a uncomfortable quite, just quite. The radio was playing softly, 'For The Nights I can't Remember' by Hedley. 

I had my head leaned against the window, with my eyes closed just listening to the song. 

"So I can and I will and you'll see your hero come running 
Over and over tonight

And I do wanna love you
If you see me running back
And I do wanna try
Because if I'm falling for you girl is crazy 
Then I'm going out of my mind 
So hold back your tears this time" 

I hummed along to the tune, still with my eyes closed. 

"Summer.. are you asleep?" Niall whispers. 
I giggle and lift my head up from the window.

"Nah, just thinking", I said, looking over at him, smiling. 
"Oh ok", he said, looking over for a second, smiling, then focusing back on the road. 

"Um, are you doing anything when you get home?" Niall asks me a minute later. 
I think about it for a second. 
Nothing with Sam or Eva.. My parents are out at work, my brothers at school, I guess not..

"Nope", I replied back, popping the 'p'. 
"Wanna go to this little café with me then?" He asks.
"Sure", I said, sitting up all the way, widening my smile. 

Niall makes a quick U turn, and drives down the road to this café.
We got to the café, I looked outside the window to see the name written in big bold cursive saying, 'Mickey's Café'. 

I smiled, opening the car door, as the same time as Niall. I looked over at him.
"It looks so cute", I exclaimed, all excited, running into the café. 

I heard Niall laughing at me. 
His loud energetic laugh. I started giggling, his laugh is pretty contagious. 
As I got in, the little bell went off at the top of the door, the smell of coffee clear as day, I loved the smell of coffee. 

I heard the bell again, turning around I saw Niall still chuckling at me.
"Do you come here often?" I asked Niall, as we walked up to the counter to order.
"A little, Liam showed it to me, I really like coming here, and just drink coffee and think", He said. 

"That's nice", I said, speaking my mind. 
He nodded his head, then walked up to the counter, since our turn was next. 

Once he ordered for us, we walked to the side, waiting for our food and coffee to come. Niall and I talked for a little till some middle aged lady gave us our food. 

Looked about 40-45, had short brown hair, you could see some grey hairs coming out. Her eyes were a nice color of green eyes.. like Harrys..

"Niall! Nice to see you again", She said smiling wide, her pearly whites shining.
"Nice to see you too Mickey", He said, hugging hr over the counter. 

Mickey? As in the café owner? 

"Who's your friend?" She said, smiling over at me. 
"Mickey, this is Summer, Summer this is the café's owner, and one of the nicest people you'll meet, Mickey", He said. 

"Nice to meet you Summer", she said sticking her hand out. 
"You too", I said back, giving her a warm smile, shaking her hand. 

After talking to Mickey for a little, we finally said our goodbyes, and left. 
I sat in the car with my coffee in one hand, still taking small sips.

Niall put the car in reverse, as we drove away, and actually back to my house.

"Summer I need to.. um ask you something", Niall said, turning his head quickly to look at me, then back at the road. 

"yeah sure, whats up?
"I wanted to ask you if you would like to go ou-"
"NIALL LOOK OUT", I yelled, pointing at the car speeding at us, Niall tried turning, but the car ended up slamming into us.

All I remember is the flipping over, and seeing Niall passed out, with blood dripping from his face till I passed out. 

A/N: heeeyy guise!

cliffhangerrr, ouu, what happens next?! well idk ;)
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