Carter Jones

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Chapter Two 

Summer's pov:
Class was boring, as usual. I sat there, about to fall asleep, as the bell rang loudly, walking me up, I rubbed my eyes, grabbed my things and left math class, walking to my next class, music.

Don't get me wrong, I love music, a lot actually, I just hate the class because of one certain person. Carter Jones.
Carter was also popular, but for all the wrong reasons, well at least I think, every boy wants to get in her pants, and I don't understand why, she's such a fake.

Carter and I use to be best friends in middle school, we hung out, had sleepovers, went shopping, all that.
But then Eva moved here, and I started to become close with her, and started to leave Carter out, I never meant it, I guess I just didn't realize it.
Anyways, when we got to high school, Carter started to become popular, and then became a bitch and a slut.

She's always hated me because I was popular too, but not because of those reasons.
We basically have a whole history together, but we will never be friends again, and that's a promise.

I shook my head, forgetting the thought and entered into the music room.
There she is, in a group with all her other bitchy friends.

I rolled my eyes, and sat in the back of the class, waiting for somebody that I knew and liked to actually come in.
Finally after a bunch people entered, I saw Louis come in.

Louis Tomlinson, Harry's best mate, and also on the football (soccer) team along side with him. Harry being my boyfriend and all, Louis and I got along pretty fine, he was like a big brother to me I guess you could say.

I smiled at him, as he smiled back, walking over towards me.
“hey summer”, he said, grabbing a chair, and sitting down beside me.

“hey lou”, I said back.
We talked for a little awhile, until the teacher finally came in.

“Okay, so for this project, you will be partnered, and don't go looking around for one already, I already got them planned”, everyone groaned out of annoyance, I hated when teachers did this.

“okay so, Louis & Ella, Cindy & Derek, Cassie & Kathy, Carter & Summer”, That's the thing I didn't wanna hear most, I was partnered with Carter, seriously?!
I groaned again, getting upset that I'll actually have to work with her now.

“Now that you know your partners, your task is to create a song, and perform it for the talent show, one person could be singing, the other could be playing an instrument, or you both could sing, create a song thats's at least three minutes long, you have till the talent show, go sit with your partner and start writing!” Mrs. said in a cheerful voice.

I rolled my eyes, I would be really excited for the project but writing a song with Carter? No way am I doing this.
Carter walked over to me, towering over me, glaring.

“I don't want to work with you as much as you don't want to with me, so I'm asking for a new partner”, she said in a rude tone.

“whatever”, I said getting up, and walking over to the teacher, hoping she'll let us change.

“Mrs. can we please change partners? Me and Carter can't work together at all”, I said practically begging she says yes.

“sorry girls, I know how you both cant work together, and how you dont get along in class, that is why I put you together, to see if you can actually finish this task, and still not have killed each other by the end of it”, she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes slightly, this really isn't funny.

“fine whatever”, Carter then replied, and walked away, I sighed and grabbed a paper and a pencil, time to start working with the devil.


Finally the day was over, I was so tried, I just want to go home, change and sleep, but I don't think that will be happening.
I closed my locker, and started to walk towards the door to exist the school. As I got out I saw Eva and Harry talking, probably waiting for me.

“hey guys”, I smiled at them.
“hey babe”, Harry smiled, kissing my cheek.

“hey boo”, Evasaid, jokily, I giggled at her sillyness.
“guess who I'm stuck with in music?”, I said to Eva.

“Please don't say Carter”, she replied, I nodded my head yes.
“mhm, gotta write a song with her”, I rolled my eyes, she chuckled, as did Harry.

“You'll live love”, Harry said.
“Yeah I probably will, she won't though if she makes me mad”, I said dead serious. Eva burst out laughing, and I couldn't help but join along.

“We still on for bowling?” Harry than asked me, a few seconds later, I nodded my head yes, smiling up at him.

“Wanna join us Eva?”, I asked her, turning my head towards her.
“Nah, I'll sit this one out, you guys have your own little date night”, she winked.
“Haha, thanks Eva”, I chuckled. She nodded her head smiling.
We said out goodbys to Eva, and she headed towards her car, while harry & I went to his car.

Harry started the car, and drove off to my place.
As we were, I turned the radio on, hearing, 'All You Need Is Love”, by The Beatles on. I smiled, turning it, this was probably my favorite song ever.

I started humming along to the music a bit, Harry looked over at me with a goofy grin, he started to sing along.

“Nothing you can know that isn't known

Nothing you can see that isn't shown

Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be

It's easy “ He sang beautifully, I looked over at him smiling.

Harry knew how much I loved this song, and how much I loved his voice as well, he's always had talent.
The song ended by the time I got to my house.

“Thanks babe”, I said over to harry, kissing him quickly, and getting out of the car, running to the front door.

“Pick you up at 5:00?”, he yelled out the car window.
“Perfect”, I said back smiling, opening the door to my house, and steeping in.

Once I had gone in, I heard his car zoom away, I took off my shoes, and out my backpack down.
I went into the kitchen and saw mum talking on the phone.

I decided not to bug her right now, and grabbed an apple, running up the stairs and into my room, I munched on my apple, sitting on my bed with my phone in my hands.
I checked my twitter, instagram, facebook etc..

I finished my apple, throwing out the rest of it. I looked over at the time to see it was 3:30, I had loads of time before Harry coming, so I decided to take a half an hour nap.

I put an alarm on my phone, waking me up at 4:00.

I got into my comfy bed once again, and fell asleep instantly. 

Hii lovelies, hope your enjoying the fanfic!

Make sure to check out my other *completed* Liam fanfic, it's almost at 1000 reads, which h is amazing, so thank you if your reading that. 

Remember to vote, comment as well, thanks! 
~M xox

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