I Could Be Her King

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Niall's Pov:
I woke up  the next morning yawning.
I decided to get up and take a shower, I was gonna hang out with Liam and Zayn again today.

I looked at my phone seeing the time say, '11:52am', I sighed, hosting myself out of the bed, throwing my phone on the bed, I grabbed a towel and walked out, and into the bathroom. 

After I was done all that, I grabbed the towel I had brought in with me, and wrapped it around my waist.
I was back into my room, closing the door behind me. 

I put on some boxers and walked over to my closet, looking through it a little, I took out a white tank top, and black shorts with my white running shoes. 
Taking a different towel, I dried my hair a little, grabbed a green snapback and put that on. 

I grabbed my phone from my bed again, checking the time I saw it said, '1:07pm', I locked my phone putting it in my pocket, opening my door I walked out and went downstairs. 

Once I got down I saw my brother Greg sitting on the couch eating, while watching some good old football. He turned his head and looked at me. 

"Hey, where are you going?", He asked, still looking at me. 
"Out", I said, shrugging my shoulders, walking past him, and into the kitchen. 

I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a box of crackers. 
Don't ask why, I was in a cracker mood, if that makes sense?

I also walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. 
Walking back into the living room, I sat down beside Greg, and opened my box of crackers, eating a few at a time. 

We both there in silence eating, and watching the game. The only sounds you could hear is the tv and our chewing. 

I finished off the last of the crackers and opened my water bottle, drinking half of it, I put the cap back on it. 
I took my phone out from my pocket again and saw it say, '1:49pm', I got up from the couch, walking back into the kitchen to threw the box into the garbage. 

Walking out, I grabbed my keys, and opened the door. 

"I'm gonin out for a little, bye", I called out to Greg. 
"bye", I heard him say, knowing he heard me. 

Walking out, I closed the door behind me, and walked over to my car. 
It was really nice out, not too sunny, but not too many clouds, I put my keys in my pocket and decided to walk. 

Why let such a beautiful and nice day go to waste, right? 

As I walked down the sidewalk, I saw kids playing outside in their front yards, while their parents watched them. 
I smiled, remembering when I was a kid how Greg and I played football outside, and ran around like idiots, while our mum watched us, and took pictures of us. 

Shaking my head from the thoughts, I walked passed Summer's house, her house came before Liam's does. 
I looked over the street at her house and saw.. Harry coming out of his car..

Is this guy for real? Doesn't he understand Summer dosen't want to see him anymore. This made me mad, I bet he's here for forgiveness, and there's no way in hell am I gonna let Summer give him that forgiveness. 

I walked across the street, pissed. 
I got to her house, walking up the driveway and to her door where he was now standing. Before he even had the chance to ring the bell, I spun him around, and pushed him. 

He looked at me with wide eyes, when he saw it was me, his wide eyes disappeared and he smirked. 

"Oh look who it is, Niall is it?" He said, still smirking.
"Why are you here?", I asked, ignoring what he said before. 

He put his hands up in surrender, laughing. 
"Didn't know I couldn't come here to talk to MY ex-girlfriend", he said. 

I shook my head laughing, what an idiot. 

"She dosen't want to talk to you", I said, looking him straight in the eyes. 
"And how would you know that?", He then said. 

This guys is really starting to push my buttons. 

"Because, I'm her best friend, I would know, unlike her cheater of a boyfriend", I spat back.
"She cheated on me first with YOU", He said, getting mad now. 

Now it was my turn to smirk. 

"Think what you want to think Styles, but Summer did not cheat on you, she has a pure, honest heart for the one she loves, I just can't believe she ever loved you", I said. 

"I will think what I want, and I think she cheated on me with you", he shrugged like it was the most normal thing ever. 

"Your an idiot Harry. Summer never deserved this, shes a trustworthy, honest, beautiful girl that should be treated like a queen, not like a slave", I said, meaning every word I said. 

He laughed at me, getting right in my face.

"And you think you can treat her like? Be her 'king' ", He said. 
I pushed him back, and walked away, I had enough of his bullshit. 

I turned back around and said one last thing. 
"I could be her king". 

A/N: hi loves!

I suck sososo much at updating omf. 
The last time I updated was two weeks ago! I'm soso sorry guys. 

Hopefully I wont do that again, but for a sorry, I finally updated yay!
And I tried making it as long as I could, idk idk. 

Okay well, remember to vote and comment!

~M xox

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