Something Fun

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Harry's pov:
I walked away from Summer, pissed. 
I know she's cheating on me, with him.  I tried asking her to go out tonight, but no she's with him. She's always with this Niall dude, and never with me.

I know I haven't been the best boyfriend either, I don't mean to not answer her calls or texts, I just forget?
Or I'm just to busy with football (soccer), or with Lou.

But what makes me more mad than ever is, she thinks I;m cheating on her. What the hell. 
I actually have reasons to think she's cheating on me with blondie from what I see and hear from people, even Carter told me all Summer talks about in music is Niall, while Carter is doing the work. 

I even remember that night at McDonalds.

It was 9:30pm, I was sitting in bed texting Louis, and some other friends on the football team, when Gemma came in my room. 

"hey, can we go to McDonalds, im really up for a big mac right now", she asked.
I chuckled at my older sister.

"sure, let me use the bathroom quickly", I said to her, standing up from my spot on the bed, she nodded her, walking away.

After I finished my business in the bathroom, I grabbed my car keys, and called for Gemma. She came running down the stairs, we got our shoes on, and left.

We got to McDonalds in less than five minutes, we walked in to see hardly anyone. Makes sense since it's about 9:50pm now, and it's a school night.

We walked up to the front, and ordered our food. 
While waiting, Gemma was looking around, until she taped my shoulder.

"harry, isn't that Summer over there? With some blond guy?" She asked, me now turning around, looking to where she pointed.

She was right, Summer is here with someone else.
Was she cheating on me? 
No, Summer wouldn't do that.

I shook the thought out of my head, to see both of the getting up, throwing there garbage away, and walking out the doors, before I could go talk to Summer.

Now I was mad... 

*Flashback over*  
I was now standing infront of the house, I'd thought I'd never go to, nor ever need to go to.

Still pissed at the thought of Summer cheating on me, and lying to me, I marched right up to the front door, knocking on it.
Then she opened the door.

"Harry? What are you doing here exactly?" She asked.
"Carter, lets do something fun", I smirked.

A/N: This is literally the shortest chapter I have ever written, but I just wanted to do a quick and short update.

So sorry if you wanted longer, but I wanted to leave a cliffhanger heh o o p s cx 
Well enjoy!

Leave me your thoughts in the comments below, and remember to VOTE! :)
~M xox

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