You Win

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Warning: There's a lot of swearing in this chapter, if you don't like swear words & such, I say don't read..

Carter's pov:
Sent, there sent.
Yeah, I sent those pictures of Harry and I to Summer, now that bitch finally knows who not to mess with, because... yeah well. 

I smirked to myself as I saw another text from Harry.

From Harry 
"Come over tonight, yeah? ;)" 

To Harry
"Sure thing ;)" 

I hit the send button, and put my phone down on my bed side table, finally Summer's out of the way, and I can now have Harry to myself. 

Summer's Pov:
I ran all the way home crying my eyes out, leaving Niall behind dumbfounded. 
Yeah, I guess I felt bad for just running out on him, but what else was I gonna do? Stay there and cry in his arms? No.

I got home to see no cars in the drive way, my parents weren't home.
I got into the house, slamming the door shut, and running up to my room, also slamming that door, while locking it. 

I jumped on top of my bed, my face hitting the pile of pillows, and I cried my eyes out for who knows how long.

I mean, wouldn't you?
Your long time boyfriend, just cheated on you with the person you despise.

I trusted Harry, I really did, I just can't believe he actually thought I cheated on him with niall, and then he cheats on me, like what the fuck!

After for what seemed like 20 years, I lifted my head up from the pillow to see my phone going off with texts and calls.

14 new texts from Niall
5 new texts from Harry

3 missed calls from Niall
1 missed call from Eva

I sighed knowing I'll have to explain everything to Eva, Sam & Niall.
And I have to break-up with Harry as well. 

I called Harry back first so I could get this over with, and done. 
After a few rings he finally answered. 

"helloo?" I heard him say, just hearing his voice makes me pissed off.
"you son of a bitch, how could you cheat on me with Carter?" I said through gritted teeth, trying not to yell at the top of my lungs.

"wait, what?", he said confused.
"stop fucking around Harry, I know, you got me back, you win", I said, a few tears spilling out.
"who told you?!" He said suddenly shocked that I know about his little affair.

"HARRY I SAW PICTURES", I finally  yelled, I was so done with this bullshit.

I rolled my eyes, and took a deep breath. 
"Niall is his fuckin name, and I didn't fucking cheat on you, can you get that thought your thick skull?" I said angrily. 

"Whatever, we're done okay?" I heard him say, now pissed off.
"Like I give a flying crap", I said and hung up on him.

I threw my phone angrily at my door, hearing it fall to the floor, I layed back down on my bed, and started crying again.

the nerve of that fucking guy, how could he? 

School the next day was hell.
Everyone kept looking at me and whispering about me.

Yeah, I broke up with my boyfriend, a lot of people do, get over it.
I rolled my eyes, while sighing, and continued to walk to my business class.

After business was over, it was finally lunch.
Instead on walking over to the 'popular' people, I walked over to Niall, who was sitting with a bunch of his new friends.

"Hi guys", I said quietly, giving Niall a small smile.
I already explained everything that had happened to him, he was pretty pissed at first but we just hugged it out. 

Anyways, Niall gave me a small smile back.
"So Summer, these are my friends Liam and Zayn, lads this is Summer", Niall introduced us, I smiled at them, giving them a small wave.

"nice to meet ya Summer", Liam smiled over at me.
"you too", I said back to him. 

"So why aren't you sitting with all your 'popular' friends?" Zayn said over to me, with an eyebrow raised. 

"Zayn", Niall warned, giving him a glare.
"Nah Niall it's fine, everyone already knows so might as well tell them", I said sighing.

I ended up spilling my guts out to the two boys I had just met, told them all about me and Harry, and how he thought I was cheating on him, then he cheated on me.

Lets just say, it took up all of our lunch period. 

Finally the day came to an end, I was closing my locker, about to walk away, when that bitch, Carter, comes out of now where, and smirks at me with her hand on her hip.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said angrily. I just wanted to go home, and leave this hell hole of a place. 

"Aw babe, feeling sour cause I took your boyfriend? oops", she said smirking. 
I gave her a glare, but didn't say anything.

I know all she wanted from me was a reaction, but I was gonna give her anything but that.
Her smirked fell for a second before it came back.

"Got nothing to say? Go figure", she said rolling her eyes.
"What do you want me to do? Punch you? Kick you? Break your nails? Sorry but I rather not", I said, pushing past her, before I left I said one last thing to her.

"You win Carter, you win"

A/N: hey lovelies!

Damn, this chapter though, haha.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go search for my story 'dear stranger' :-)
(it use to be called It Only Took One Letter To Love You, but I changed it)

ok, so since were talking about Liam right now, who saw that whole twitter drama?
Oh my lord, that was crazy! 

But i'm glad Liam finally told them off, and he did a pretty good damn job too. 

ok, well thats all, remember to vote and comment!!
~M xox

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