New Friend

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Summer's pov:
It's been exactly a month since the accent. Worst part, Niall still wasn't awake. 
School was almost over, a couple of more weeks and we finally leave high school and move on to Uni. Not gonna lie, I was some what excited for Uni, it was gonna be a change.

Instead of having to wake up in the morning, always the same time, I'll have different timing classes. More chances of sleeping in, which is a bless.

Anyways. Today was Sunday, I was on my way to the hospital. 
I don't know if I can keep doing this. Always visiting Niall and such. It's already been a month, how much more time till he wakes up?

As selfish as I sound, it's not because I'm getting tired of Niall. 
It just makes me sad and depressed having to my best friend everyday in the hospital in a damn coma, not knowing when he's gonna wake up.. or if he does wake up.. 

Sighing I turn into the empty parking spot I had found, getting out the car, and locking it, I wake to the big front doors of the hospital.
I walk towards the elevator, about to step in, I stop when my stomach growls. Instead of going into the elevator, I turn right back around and towards the cafeteria. 

Looking around to see what I wanted to eat, I decided on a simple coffee and muffin, filling up the cup and putting the cap on, and grabbing the wrapped muffin, I walk to the cashier.

"Hi, just the two", He asks. I nod my head a yes.

He was young looking, blond hair, up in a quiff. With piercing blue eyes. Looked about my age.
"That will be 4.68 pounds", he said in his British accent. I handed him the money, putting my wallet back in my hand bag and grabbing my items.

"Thanks", I say quietly, about to walk away.
"hey, are you ok? You seem down", He said, leaning against the counter.

"eh, I'm ok, just visiting my friend", I say, not trying to break out into tears.
"oh, if you don't mind me asking, what happened?" he asked, concern showing in his eyes.
"long story", I sigh.

"Well I'm done in about 20 minutes?" He said.
"Wha's your name first of all", I said, giving him a small smile.
"Caleb, and your's?" He said smiling back.
"Summer, and I'll just go see my friend in the 20 minutes, it'll help pass time", I said, looking down.
"See you then Summer", he said smiling, I nod my head smiling back and walking away. 

20 minutes later, I'm closing the door to Niall's room, whipping the tear that came out my eye.
Still no progress what so ever. 
In the elevator I debt if I even wanted to tell Caleb what had happened. I just met the guy, and we didn't have much of a conversation, just a minute or two chat.

Sighing, I decided that would just tell him, what could he do? Nothing. 
The elevator doors open, I step out walking towards cafe. Once I get there I see Caleb closing opening the little door from the counter, and walking out.

He turns to the door where I was standing, he see's me and waves while smile. I give a small smile back, while walking towards him.

"Hey", I said, feeling awkward.
"Hey, I didn't actually think you would come back", he said.
"Why not", I said, my eyebrow raising in confusion.
"Well you did just meet me, and your gonna tell me why your in the hospital, that's usually too personal for people", he shrugs.

I nod my head, understand why he thinks that now.
"Well lets go sit", he says, walking towards the window table. We sit down, and it's quiet for a few seconds. 

"Um I'm gonna go get us some coffee" he says awkwardly, getting up and walking to the coffee making machine.
I sit there for a minute until he comes back, handing me a cup of steaming hot coffee.

"Thanks", I say, taking the cup.
"No problem.. so um how about this 'long story' ", he says, sipping his coffee. 
I take a sip and clear my throat.

"well um, me and my best friend, Niall, we were hanging out after school", I started the story.
After I started talking about it, I couldn't stop, there was just too much to tell.

I tell Caleb about Mickey's Cafe, and Niall about to ask me something when the car hit us and sent us flying, crashing down.
How I saw Niall's bloody face for the last time, till passing out, and then waking up to see Louis.
I told Caleb about finding out Niall being in the coma, and how upsetting it has been for the past month now. After finishing my story, a tear falls down my cheek.

Caleb whips it off my face, and looks at me with pity.
Again with the pity..

"Summer, I'm so sorry, that's horrible to go through", Caleb finally says after a minute, I nod my head, finishing the last of my coffee. 

"Yeah.. well I'm getting through it, just takes awhile you know?" I say, sighing.
Caleb nods his head, understand me.

"Well I have to get going, have some homework to finish up", I say starting to get up, grabbing my hand bag.
"Wait, before you go maybe I can get your number? You know if you ever need someone to talk to or anything", He says.

"Oh um, yeah sure", I say, he takes his phone out as I take mine out as well.
After trading numbers, I say a final goodbye to Caleb, walking away and leaving the hospital. 

Looks like I made a new friend.. 

A/N: hey lovelies! 

So here's a quick update! Like I said in the last chapter I didn't know if I could have updated this week, and I didn't get the chance too, but toDAY'S SATURDAY AND I UPDATED!

So enjoy this. Embrace it. Smell it. Love It. ok cool.
haha, leave a comment guisee.
Also remember to vote!! 

~M xox

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