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Niall's pov:
After hearing Carter talking about her affair with Harry for the past few days, and how Harry always made an excuse to leave class, I've learned a lot.

Everyday in Art, Harry leaves at 1:40 to go to the bathrooms.

How do I know he's with Carter? I just have a feeling.
Who leaves the same class, at the same time for the same place?

Today I thought I'd try and get some proof.

So, as usual, everyone was doing their work when Harry's hand goes up.

I look behind me at the clock, which reads, '1:39pm'
I turned back around and look at Harry.

"Yes Mr.Styles"
Ms.Drew, the art teacher asked him.

"Bathroom?" Is all he said, she nodded her head, turning her attention back to whatever is on the computer.

Harry got up from his seat and left the class. Once the door shut, I raised my hand.

"Mr.Horan?" Ms.Drew said.
"Can I go to the bathroom as well?" I asked.

"Can you wait till Styles comes back?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

I shook my head no.
"No, i really need to go", I said

She sighed and nodded her letting me go, I got up from my seat in a hurry, and left.

Once I was out the room, I ran down the halls.
Once I saw the bathrooms in sight, I hid behind the lockers.

I took my phone out, getting it ready, but all I see is Harry coming out the guys bathroom.

No lipstick on him.
No messy hair.
No wrinkly clothes

Does Harry actually just use the bathroom at the same time like that for no reason?

What the hell.
I sighed, closing my eyes, thinking.

Maybe I should try after school?
Carter and Harry probably do something out in the back.

Or I could actually tell Summer, she doesn't believe me, hates me, and I never get a chance with her?

I opened my eyes again, and decided to go with option one, just to be on the safe side.

Like I said I would, I made sure everybody, well almost everybody was gone, and I kept my eyes on Harry.

I saw him walk to the side doors of the school, where it leads to the parking lot.

I went out the same doors, and hid behind my car, still having a good sight of Harry.

I saw him walking to his car when Summer came up to him.

I saw her talking to him first, as his face softened, then he started to talk, which made Summer smile.

Once he stop, they kissed each other. My eyes widen, as my heart sunk.

I slid down my car, and sat there for a few moments, thinking of everything I just saw.

Summer and Harry made up, while Harry is still cheating on Summer behind her back with Carter.

I sighed getting up, seeing Harry, Summer, and Harry's car gone.

I unlocked my doors, got into my car, and drove home all upset.

Well that just ruined my night.

A/N: hey guyss!

Ew school started.
I hate school, I honestly cant for summer.

How was everyone first day back?
mine was ehh, we didnt really do anything, which is good.

Soo, leave me a comment of what your think!
And also remember to vote!

~M xox

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