If Looks Could Kill

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Niall's pov:
I was walking down the hallway to get to my next class, which was English, which I didn't mind because English was really easy. 

As I was walking down, everybody was staring at me like I killed someone. I looked around worried, what was happening exactly? If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.
I saw Summer standing next to her locker, talking to Eva & Sam. I walked up to them smiling.

"Hey girls", I said, they all looked at me smiling, while saying hi back.

"So um, why is everyone looking at me like I did something really bad?" I asked, biting my lip.
Eva and Sam shrugged their shoulder, and I turned to look at Summer.

"Because of Harry, word gets around fast here", she said rolling her eyes annoyed about Harry. I nodded my head, understanding where shes coming from.

"Okay.. but why is everyone looking at me though?" I asked once again.
"Remember how I told you harry thinks I'm cheating on him with you?" She then said back, I nodded my head remembering our little chat.

"yeah, everyone else thinks that too now", she said sighing.
My eyes widen, no matter house much I like Summer, I wouldn't do that to Harry, even if I didn't know the guy so well.

"wow", I said shocked.
"yeah..", Summer replied back, looking away this time.
"Um, I better get to class, see you at lunch", I asked her, she nodded her head, as we both went our ways to class.

Once again, I started to make my way towards class, when I heard Carter talking to one of her snotty friends about Summer and Harry.

"I had the best night ever with Harry, it was amazing", Carter smirked to her friend, all her friend did was laugh, and smirk as well.

"best part, his little bitch wont even know whats coming her way", Carter than said, her friend nodded her head, as they walked away.

What the hell did Harry do?
He cheated on Summer? But why?

Than realization hit me, he actually thinks Summer is cheating on him with me? He doesn't trust Summer enough!
I shook my head laughing, what an idiot. I need to tell Summer though, but what if she thinks I'm lying? I need proof. 

I than thought of an idea on the spot, I'll use my phone, and try to get a video or picture of Harry and Carter kissing or something around school, but this is gonna take some time. 

I need to find out more about them, more about their affair, where their hiding spots will be, and that'll make everything easy, and fall into place.

And if I do get this, Summer will break up with Harry, and maybe I could ask her out? Just a thought though. I still need to tell Summer how I'll be auditioning for xfactor really soon, and if I get through, I'm gonna be gone for quite awhile.

But for now, I have half a year before anything else happens, all my job is right now, is to catch Carter and Harry, and let the truth out.

I than realized I'm still standing in the middle of the hallway thinking, while everyone else is in class, shit, Ms.Lawson hates me enough already, this is gonna be bad, I ran down the hall, and into English class. 

Summer's pov: 
I was currently sitting in my room with a bowl of popcorn, a can of soda, and a bunch of candy, with Sam and Eva.
Were having a sleepover tonight, it is Friday, so why not?

Right now were sitting on my bed with all this junk food, trying to think of what kovie we should watch on Netflix. 

"How about a Adam Sandler movie", I asked them.
"Oh, he's a funny actor, Eva type in his name!", Sam said excitedly, I laughed at her.

Eva typed his name, and up came a bunch of movies.
"How about 'I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry?" Eva said, looking at the description.

"Sounds good, put it on!", I said, grabbing some blankets beside me, and cuddling up in it.
Sam turned the lights off, as Eva set it up, and we were all now watching the movie while pigging out, how could this possibly go wrong? 

A/N: hi lovelies!
So quick update, sorry its short again :(
I dont want to give to much away, I mean its only chapter nine, I cant give away half of the book in one chapter now can i? ;)

Ugh school tomorrow, I'm gonna cry, I dont wanna go, staying up late and reading fanfic, and watching youtube vids was the lifee, now I cant even :'(

lol, hope you enjoyed this random chapter, leave a comment below vvvvv
And remember to vote! Thankssss!

~M xox

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