What To Do...

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Summer's pov:
I stayed up for the rest of that night thinking what should I do with Harry. 
Should I get back with him? 
Or should I not?

I really just don't know.. I wanted to talk to someone about this, but the only person I could talk to was Niall, and we all know that's not happening any time soon. 
Sighing, I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep before morning came. 

Harry's pov:
Did I regret asking Summer that?
Not one bit, I really did mean everything I said to her, I should've never of thoughts all those things.
I should've never cheated on her with Carter. 

I turned to my side, trying to think of what ways I could do to win her back. 
To earn her trust back. 

That's when it clicked. That one person that's been there for Summer. The one person I accused of cheating that got us into this whole mess. 

If I try talking to him, trying to explain my side of the story, he could help win Summer back. Then Summer will like me enough for trying to be friends with Niall, and hopefully agree to go out with me again.

Happy with my idea, I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep.
Summer's pov:
A great way to start off Monday morning is waking up late. 
Running around to get your shit together is even more fun. 

I had 20 minutes to get ready and get to school on time. 
Quickly brushing my teeth, I put on a pair of Roots sweatpants, a blue t-shirt, and some Vans. 
I fixed my hair into a messy braid, and grabbed my bag and phone. 

Grabbing a piece of toast, and a water bottle, I ran out of the house and caught my dad just in time before he left for work, I climbed into the car and took a breathe. 

I ate my toast in peace, and took a big drink from my water bottle right before reaching the school. 
Thanking my dad for the drive, I got out of the car and walked into the school and to my locker. 
A/N: so uh hi guise

yeahh, its been a month.. oops?
ok i don't have a reason for not updating, its just pure laziness. 

and sorry that this update is rly rly short, its writers block, but but but, more will happen lateerr on, so don't worry!
so hopefully i will update again in a couple of days, two maybe?
I rly hope i do.. heh.

kay thats just about it, byee
~M xox

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